Too many modes in Arcade

Can we see the number of players in Q? I don’t want to wait forever to play.


And set multiple queues would help too


I believe they anticipated this and that’s why they designed the archives with rolling daily events. Too much partitioning of a near-zero playerbase. Both great suggestions (estimated queue time and sub-category multi-queue - like queue all archives and take the first greedy).

This ask might be a 2 week deal for 2-3 junior devs and 1-2 people to update the UI and a senior to sign-off. Throw in some basic testing push the patch etc.

For a multi-billion dollar company, those kinds of resources sound impossible, so we better allocate them for OW2 which is still a year away!


Though I wonder how much that helps. Based on what happened from hero pools, people just wouldn’t play the game at all if they couldn’t play the heroes they wanted, so I feel like it would be the same here.

“No Team Deathmatch today? Well I guess I’ll go play Fortnite then till tomorrow.”


Tbf, it is the best arcade mode don’t @ me.


What game modes are you picking that you get long queues in Arcade? I get 5 minutes+ in CTF AYUTTHAYA sometimes, but that’s about it.

CTF Blitz. Yeah. What? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Team deathmatch can be worst - usualy at night hours in EU
I didn´t even get to do my placements last time it was there as comp (few days ago) cause I was not willing to wait so damm long.

they dont design the game around dead regions, its not really a problem in the US


Harsh but true. Queue times are not an issue for me ever.

Actually don’t mind Blitz and if I have to play CTF, I prefer it be Blitz.

Blitz is just the cheesy version of actual ctf. Where ppl often win without getting many kills by just rushing flag over and over while dying.

There actually was feature some years ago that allowed you to see how populated all the Arcade Modes are, but they removed it :woman_shrugging:

It is as long as nobody picks Roadhog or turtles with shield tanks. I wish the game was more balanced for 2v2, 3v3 and 4v4 encounters because right now it is only somewhat balanced if every team fight is 6v6.

TDM is best when it’s 1-2-1. Tank, 2 dps, support. You know, an actual team working together. Personally I feel like there should be a DPS-only FFA mode where dps players can get their yayas out. As it stands, FFA is ruined by tanks. It’s such a stupid concept to have 150-250 HP heroes vs 500-600 HP heroes.

So instead of a Roadhog and McCree meta it’d just be McCree lol

Maybe, but at least then it’s actually a contest of skill v skill instead of a contest of skill v bullcrap.

I mean, both of their game plans in the mode heavily involve playing CQC to pull off CC death combos. It’s just cheese all around, but then again, it’s FFA.

Yeah but 225 HP with no self heal :cheese: vs 225 HP with no self heal :cheese: is more fair than 225 HP with no self heal :cheese: vs 600 HP fat fk with self heal and a 20m CC :cheese:

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I’d certainly be for a “Grab Bag” queue where it puts you in line to fill one of the top half-dozen modes on rotation. It might be a little complicated for PvE stuff with multiple difficulty tiers but as a whole would be neat.

Hero Gauntlet :triumph:

My only gripe with TDM is when you get Core mode maps, like Hollywood or Dorado. I often get Bunker comps on the enemy team that set up in spawn rooms, where it’s just a small set of spawn doors to push through. I find TDM much more enjoyable on Deathmatch specific maps. But other than that, I find TDM enjoyable here and there.