Too Many INTENTIONAL Leavers

Season bans and each time increased by double. So first current and 1 season, second current and 2 seasons, third current and 4 seasons. If they want to keep playing comp and rage quitting because they’re being outplayed they shouldn’t be in a comp match.

The biggest thing is how currently the winning team is getting punished as well. 3 games today where the whole team left after 2 min because of the first leaver. That’s at least 45m plus of playtime w/o getting SR. Add another 10m each for the DPS queue times and its easily over an hour of getting shafted. At least reward the people who stay and play, blizzard is throwing the basket away over 1 rotten apple.


You’re suggesting a season ban for a person’s first leave?

I still don’t get why Blizz can’t implement a system to detect if people leave via ‘Leave Game’ or unintentionally. Like in the back of my programming mind, I don’t think it’s difficult to implement at all. This, at least, allows Blizz to differentiate intentional vs unintentional leavers, which they can then focus on implementing a season ban, if need be.

You can for sure check if person pressed Leave Game or pressed ALT + F4 in game.

What you can’t check is if someone goes to Windows and close the application or in more extreme case unplug ethernet cable/turn off wifi.

I am all for punishment for leavers.


backfilling search it here back fillers

The solution to the leaver problem already exists in game in other modes - backfill.

It would not only end the problem of leavers entirely, but would also help reduce queue times.

It’s honestly baffling as to why Blizzard have not added backfill to Competitive.

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Not everyone who leaves does so intentionally.

If someone’s power cuts out or their Internet service provider interrupts their service or their PC power supply blows up they should not be punished the same as someone who intentionally quits a match.

And here you are wanting people who unintentionally leave to get a season ban.

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Ps4 servers horrible last few weeks. About 25% of games at least one dc.

I’m just playing qp. No bullsh#t hero bans, map bans and we get backfill.

And matchmaking often better as well…

You know the joke that the game doesn’t know if you pressed alt f4 or if you lost connection?

Now there is a feature in game that allows you to rejoin a game with the same position on the map if you connect back quickly enough.
So the game has definitely the tools to differentiate between leavers and bad connections, yet the penalties are still pathetic.

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Rejoining the game is not a universal indication of an intentional vs non intentional leave

Pulling your ethernet cord and not returning is the same as your ISP going out for 10 minutes and not being able to return

That’s why all disconnects are punished the same as an intentional leave. There is no way to differentiate between them

You won’t get sympathy here. Everyone here seems to be OK with the slap on the wrist that leavers currently get.

Their boiler player answer is always “what do you want them to do” and when you provide an answer they says it’s too harsh.

Happens ALL of the time.

This is a simple way to help combat leavers. It won’t solve it but make the penalty, whatever time it is, to be served in the menu.


This doesn’t make them wrong, and doing so won’t decrease the frequency of leavers.

More importantly, it does absolutely nothing for the team left behind, which is the ACTUAL problem.

It does mean their wrong because they don’t want to do anything about it. Leaving it as is is completely and blatantly wrong.

And there are ways to do things to reduce it like what I added to my post.


Many of these people make other suggestions. You are interpreting them not agreeing with your ideas as saying “do nothing”

There are alternatives presented in this very thread.

We present our ideas constantly, then are told they are also not viable because they don’t satisfy the need for schadenfreude.

There is so much focus and passion around getting revenge on those leavers that no one stops to consider if it would actually solve anything (it wouldn’t).

Leavers are frustrating af and it’s easy to get caught up in the emotion that goes along with it. Anger and a desire for revenge are a poor foundation for a community wide change.

As long as alt accounts are so easily and in some cases freely available, no amount of punishment will reduce the frequency of leavers unless you’re willing to ban half the community to do it (and the devs won’t).

That is why backfill has and always will be the only truly viable option. It would have to be altered to suit the competitive mode, but it has FAR less pitfalls than draconian punishments and actually solves the problem at hand.

TL;DR - The issue is perspective. Backfill solves the problem, punishments don’t. It’s the battle vs war comparison.

If the punishment is right then it will deter leaving. NOTHING will ever solve it but.

Why do snowflakes hate to be punished for doing something wrong? When you break the rules you should be punished.


‘If punishment is right’ is vague.

No punishment will noticeably reduce leavers without banning half the community with them. No one is saying ‘dont punish them,’ we are saying punishment alone does nothing.

Alt accounts are unlimited and, on console, free.

That is why bans are ineffective

Its not about avoiding punishment. Its about punishments doing literally nothing to decrease the frequency of leavers or doing anything for the team left behind

I get that youre frustrated, but its puzzling why you are so fixated on something like punishment instead of something like backfill.

The problem: Leavers cause teams to lose

Non solution: Punishing players who are already out of the game.

Solution: Help the team left behind (backfill)

Wow! Just wow!

I have to type more characters to post this but these are not necessary.

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Hey they don’t want quality in playerbase they want quantity. That’s why they are never gonna punish leavers the right way.


I think a big point people missed is the time leaver decided to leave. It is not coincidence that you steam roll or get steam rolled on attack and person leaves after that round is over. We’ve all had games where we get rolled on attack and on our turn we roll them the same way or even faster. Same goes with full holds. If you’re in a fight and someone DC’s, you can tell if they were actually trying. Anyone would bet that 99% of Mid Match leavers/disconnects are intentional.

Of course no system will ever be perfect, I believe a start somewhere is better than what is going on right now. Make a new report option that is only available after match ends and ended with less than 12 people in the comp server. Have it be flagged and reviewed by someone and determine if they get the suggested ban.

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That’s not why. Its just ineffective and doesn’t solve the actual problem :man_shrugging: