Too many hack users

You guys are consistently getting head shots in the air, able to predict where opponents are going through the wall, and have reflexes like a cat. I’m wondering why are you guys sitting on a computer playing a game when you could be out there making millions playing a pro sport? This baffles me.

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Are they hackers or just better?

I’m guessing just better :wink:

it depends really since there’s primarily 2 kinds of bots; aimbots (which automatically aim, often unnaturally people though they can be toggled on and off to throw people off but it’s obvious when someone that can’t hit the broadside of a barn starts getting back to back to back headshots without fail)

and then there’s triggerbots which are similar but require input/effort from the user. basically a triggerbot activates the exact moment your cursor lands on a target so you in theory will never miss a shot or miss less though this too can be pretty obvious

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Coming from the same person who thinks anyone that says they were falsely banned is a liar and was cheating.

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False bans happen, but rarely because you need to be reported in multiple games

Baffles me the same way as you making this argument here on forum thinking you’ll get cheaters responding to you.