Todays balance patch. Youre happy for?

its Cute people think there’s going to be more variety…


i’ve pretty much given up on balance updates, but sure why not. Winston’s sounds nice.

i just want haloween skins! :grin:

Exactly. I have been predicting Brig would be re-balanced if not reworked under 2-2-2, then it would be Moira getting some kind of adjustment. Her design made sense battling groups of 4-6 DPS before, not now.

Yeah, once the shield meta is gone, I feel like she’s gonna be in a worse place than before. Moira was a good pick when the enemy team did the 4 DPS, hammond & Mercy. But we’re not gonna get Quad DPS comps anymore for obvious reasons lol.

talking about high ranks btw, not low.

tracer will own all. Already pulse bomb buff, now 30% range buff. She will literally ult as often as other heros use their CD skills

Most of the top end players I watch on streams seem to think this patch will not change up the meta much. If this is true I’m gonna be bummed because rn I do not find the OWL meta fun to watch at all.

#reworkmoira :smiley:

I am very happy for that Sigma nerf. Everything else - meh.

She don’t need a rework :sunglasses: keep ur hands off my queen.

I like her being in a state where nobody picks her, because then nobody takes her from me… SMART IK and also… all the toxic people get mad when you pick her and avoid you so you don’t have to waste your slots to avoid them hahaha. It’s a win win situation.

I’m excited. Doom and shield nerfs. Lets go.

Yes and no.
It will take a couple of days or weeks to unfold properly. It’s a step in the right direction, but I still believe OW needs a major balance overhaul. Bad balancing decisions from couple of patches ago will bite them in their buttcheeks and that happened far too often.
A clear and precise vision for the game is needed, an idea where balance should be heading, better balance guidelines and principles, more frequent balancing and so on

I don’t think she will in a shield meta with sigma necessarily, but if double shield becomes not standard then possibly. Her spread makes it hard at 13m to get good hits on something without a big hitbox. But Hog will definitely be even more of an ult battery for her.

it almost feels like there is an issue here

you force people to play along a handicap (as you called it yourself) and you think it’s ok?

Any hero works in the correct hands, don’t forget.

There is a reason why I know of 2 Moira players who have been consistent 4.4k+ since she came out and they play mainly her. :sunglasses:

The meta is just what people play to get boosted SR, if you look at Tesla, he outplays majority of the people at his rank just because he climbed without using meta hero…

Whose that Genji player that still plays him in this meta and is T500? I forgot but he’s like the best genji in the world.

Also the one person who 1 trick bastion too.

Don’t need to be a meta hero, even if your hero is garbage u can still make it work. You just got to prove that to people so they trust you.

Did the patch actually drop today? Last I saw the patch notes weren’t updated.

The Lucio and Winston buffs. And hopefully the remaster will look nice.

I disagree with almost everything else, in the patch, though.


I just remembered some stuff I forgot about

Sombra change - im on the fence
Tracer buff - Same thing
Hog buff - awesome
D.Va buff - cool, but probably not enough

Pretty much everything else though? Yeah, no bueno for me. Personally, i think they are trying to do too much at once, here.

you can have 1tricks get to gm w a hero, doesnt excuse it being the way it is, there are people who like her design and would like it to be able to improve at her and get to high ranks, while they’re are low ranks who wished she wouldnt stomp them with 0 skill to it, and it’s an issue for all of those. and this issue is why you have symmetra and torb reworked

they are low rank for a reason.

I have played with low rank Moiras on a tank account :stuck_out_tongue: I can assure you it’s not her kit holding her back, it’s the player itself.

A player should have no problem getting to Platinum with any hero tbh.

The Winston and D.Va buffs are useless and affect parts of their kits that already were balanced and LITERALLY noone ever complained about.
Just revert Armor nerf and DM nerf for those 2 and they will be fine.

The Tracer buff is insane and I really hope it won’t go live.
It will make playing Tank even more of a nightmare than it already is right now.

Moira nerf is square and fair.
She will still be viable since it only really affects her insane duel capabilities (which will still be good even after the nerf).

Doomfist nerf is going completely into the wrong direction.
Making him charge longer isn’t affecting any of the problems the hero is having/causing.
Either reduce his tankyness (by a noticeable amount - not the silly 5 shield nerf), reduce his damage, or rework him completely.

low skill 1 shot ability? :white_check_mark:
tons of CC? :white_check_mark:
super high mobility? :white_check_mark:
tanky af? :white_check_mark:

Literally everything that can make a hero unfun to play against combined in 1 hero :woman_facepalming:

A long way to go to balance this game for role queue, it’s still a small step.