To the Pharaha's who pharmercy

Nah, Soldier and Genji can work with Mercy, that’s cool. As long as they don’t nano-blade and nano-visor… yeah, then they lose all credibility.

Because… reasons?

So Valkia isn’t a Pharah main?


Sooooo any one who receives healing does not count as the main they claim to be then?

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First, it’s Pharah fam.

Second, I know you’re probably a hit scan main.

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They evolve into more powerful creature.

This tbh. Stop using me as a crutch. If I choose mercy and someone goes pharah then I switch to Ana. No mercy player enjoys being her key chain

To the ignorant few who think Pharah can actually stand on her own in the current build of the game:

Play Pharah solo and eat your own words.

All of those usually group up with Anas more in my experience

Agreed. Mercy pocketing just about any DPS is going to make them a bigger threat but Pharah is the only one that gets complained about. I think it’s just because it’s the most visible synergy.

Side thought: Mercy mostly likes to pocket Pharah because it keeps her off the ground. PharMercy is more about enabling Mercy than helping Pharah.

You’re right. I just yell at Mercy when she boosts my damage. Totally unprofessional. She should just whip out her pistol instead.

Combining ults is not the same as pocketing

Flying Bastion would get everyone out of Gold.

And the enemy doesn’t have a hitscan… When exactly?

Even if they didn’t right out of the gate, pharah is that character where people will instantly complain to get a hitscan so it wont take long before they have 1-2 hitscan in play.

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If you can’t play the game without being pocketed 24/7, you really shouldn’t be playing the game.

Who is Pharaha

are there pharaha mains even this hero hasnt been released

So pharah forced non hitcans to swap to hitscans even though if they wanted to hitscan they would have from the start but despite of this, after forcing them to swap off heroes they wanted to play initially, she should still be able to play without swapping?

Thing about Pharah, is that enemies won’t be able to just kill her and get over it. With her keeping distance and harassing other team with rockets, other team will have to be on constant lookout for her. She will be less effective that way, but forcing almost half of enemy team to look for you can be effective by itself.

Same applies to most mobile heroes: someone will have to be on their tail at all times, otherwise they switch to harassing any hero out of reach for their counter.

I literally had somebody pick Pharah once and I was solo healing, so I couldn’t pocket her. The literal instant I took damage boost off of her to go heal, she spammed she needed healing. Even if she was full health. I wanted to kill myself. I hate pocketing Pharah in the first place.

As for Ana, I had a Genji on Volskaya call me a brain-dead idiot because I “couldn’t Nano him” when I only nano’d one of his blades, and it was the last one when it was already 3-4s in because LoS. We were already up 2-3 every time he bladed, so I knew we never needed Nano to combo since we already most likely won the fight. And if things turned sour, I still had Nano to reel it back into our favor.

I love people who literally cannot perform without a support being their own personal lifeline.

Did I say that?
Because I know I didn’t.

Don’t put words in my mouth.

But if you want to go that route:

Pharah gets countered by a million things nowadays, and can easily be made to swap.

And you don’t need to play the
" I didnt want to play hitscan but pharah forced me!" card,
you could play dva or hammond and take care of a no pocket pharah on your own,
You could take care of a pocketed pharah with the same setup and a discord orb if you ATTACK the mercy first.

You could hack her and suddenly everything counters her.

Honestly if you still think pharah(mercy) has no counters except for dps hitscan in 2019 what are you doing?

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A flying piranha with a rocket launcher.