To the mercy mains flooding the forums

Like I said money talks. It’s the one thing Blizzard and Activision won’t tolerated any developer interfering in. If Blizzard feels this is their best decision for maximizing profit, then so be it. I understand that perfectly well. If I were in management or a director I would done the same, maximize profit.

There are plenty of other games to play. For me personally, I don’t have enough time to play them all. I still have Witcher 3, that Prey expansion I keep saying I will play, need to try out TF2, ect. I would prefer if Mercy were meta due her popularity, but ultimately I don’t have any money invested in OW so I don’t particular care. It’s just a game for me.

Us creating threads about Mercy does not impede your ability to make threads on these topics.

Happy posting.


maybe there is a difference,maaaaybe roadhog is ,while not a mustpick still fairly fun to play with ,having no need for roadhog mains to complain as much as mercy mains who dont WANT to be OP but just want their fun hero bacK

Roadhog is less powerful maybe then before but his kit flows well and if you can land hooks he still instakills me loads of times as a squishy

I guess you did.

His damage per shot was reduced by 33%, to make one-shots impossible. Roadhog was completely unusable for an entire season (the older, 3 month seasons).

Now, Hook -> step forward -> Shoot -> Melee is as close as it gets now, and it doesn’t work on many heroes. And Roadhog is only balanced (a bit underpowered) because of his new, mobile and 50% damage reduction take a breather.

I assure you Roadhog players were very upset, but they did not spam the forums to the degree that you guys are doing. It’s toxic.


how about NO?

but really - when i played i played a lot mercy, sombra, roadhog, bastion and symmetra - feel my pain

You missed my earlier rebuttal of another person who tried to use Roadhog’s damage nerf as a counter-example. You’ve failed to include Roadhog’s fire rate increase and other compensatory buffs. I’ll quote it here for you.

13% is clearly less than 17%.

I get his firing rate was increased–the devs said the effective DPS would be about 80% of the old hog–but that didn’t help Roadhog’s core playstyle at all.

A Widow who can headshot for 150 damage (instead of 300, like she can now), but can fire fully-charged scoped shots twice as fast isn’t equally effective.

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You’re correct that without the one-shot kill Roadhog loses some effectiveness, but he was also compensated for that loss in effectiveness with buffs. You’re also correct that a Widowmaker who could no longer one-shot kill loses effectiveness, as does a Mercy who can no longer break even with Winston’s damage output on a single target.

The fact remains that Mercy’s nerf was larger.

Yes, he was compensated with a buff after an entire season. 3 months where Roadhog was 100% a walking ult charge.

Mercy’s nerfs (plural) doesn’t even begin to compare, because she had a series of buffs that had to be reverted.

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Mercy was balanced immediately prior to this last nerf, so it does compare to Roadhog’s prior state of balance before his damage nerf.

Now, while Mercy isn’t much of an ult battery with her 200 hp and want to stay out of sight, she is a waste of a hero slot when other healers such as Moira straight up do her main job better than she does.

If you want Mercy mains to stop flooding the forums… I would assume that you must first fix the problem and understand what they keep “flooding the forums about.”

Also, don’t blame the mercy mains for the incompetence shown by the devs when they failed to answer their questions, and then closed their Feedback thread.

Like… Where did you expect all the feedback to go? :man_shrugging:


You assert this, but I don’t agree.

Prior-patch Mercy could keep toe-to-toe in raw healing numbers with Moira.

Edit: Also, I don’t think that old Hog was balanced or good for the game. That doesn’t mean that I agreed with his original nerf; his current state is very close to balanced.

Hog is very much viable… why do people keep saying this.

Is he meta? No

Is he balanced? Yes.

If the game were balanced, Mercy would out-heal Moira because Moira deals about 6 times more damage per game than Mercy’s pistol + blue beam combined.

Moira should not be competing with Mercy’s healing output, let alone overtaking her at every rank above Gold as she does now. Supports are more than just healers, but Mercy is as close to pure healer as you can get. She should therefore be the best healer to make up for her lack of other contributions.

ikr? It’s almost like the Mercy mains are really, really pissed off about something.

then the mods will have to merge every topic and make a trash can for every single one

They should merge most, yes.
Every thread that argues the same points.

Mercy mains have the right to complain, they watched as people who don’t play Mercy and pros complain about mass rez and got a rework not many of them wanted. Then they see Blizzard saying “Mercy is in a good spot” while they nerf her in every patch after the rework, all the while people insult them to hell and back.

Trust me, I know… I tried to give my own input at some point, but of course it didn’t mean anything to the devs. :confused:

I know it isn’t, it’s just that all of these people keep complaining about it. I bet they’re the same people who are complaining about the “spam” now.

1000% agree.

I had stopped trying at some point. I think that started happening when I had given up.

That was… Actually what I had meant. I’ve been referring to Mercy mains as “they” and “Mercy mains” lately because I gave up on the game as a whole. I just want to see how this whole situation will turn out. I just hate how they all have been treated over this whole situation.

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Then we continue to disagree. Moira has the simplest kit of all supports.

Her only contribution is the raw healing that she brings to the table, without requiring peel. Moira’s damage is meaningless unless you find someone low on health, or you want to chip away on shields.

Those damage orbs are annoying, but it’s free ukt charge for better support ults. In many ways she’s the Reaper of supports.

Now Mercy’s damage boost has more utility, because of what it does for burst damage DPS. If a good Mercy sees a hog hook something, their instinct should be to damage boost right then and there for the ol’one shot.

Same with Widows, McCrees, and so on. Moira doesn’t do this.

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