To the mercy mains flooding the forums

We get it…ok. You don’t like the rework or the healing nerf. Can you give us other people who play other characters that have some serious bugs that need to be addressed like Roadhog, Reinheart , and let them have some breathing room on the forums so the dev can look at the issues with them…

We get it you don’t like what the devs have done to her but you guys need to take a page out from the roadhog mains and just adapt to her changes for now. Mercy had enough focus time for now we need to start addressing more broken stuff like bugs and the inconsistency of some other heros. It not like she not viable and yes we get it you don’t want to be a rez bot but being all fire and brimstone about it not going to make it go any faster.


Isn’t it against COC to continue making the same thread over and over again?


who me or the mercy mains?


The mercy threads. As they are all about the same issues.


i belive so i think that why blizz has been locking them lately

“Creating a separate thread about an existing topic for further discussion in more than one forum”

Don’t worry. Mercy might have more threads than Roadhog but in the image of true equality - we are all ignored just the same :blush: :ok_hand:


pretty much lol. At least their nerf was nothing compared to hogs. mercy still viable.


Bugs lol? Wrong section of the forums, my friend. But I do agree that many other heroes need some love at the moment… There are so many inconsistencies that need to be dealt with.
Also, the megathread is kind of dead now. There was constantly discussion there until the mass flaggers attacked. :confused:


It’st more about mercy player just full flooding the forums and not letting the devs focus on more important issues.


It doesn’t seem as horrible as people make it out to be… At least from what I’ve seen over the past few days. On the other hand, it doesn’t look like the devs have been messing with the forums that much in the past few months, anyway.

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Finally, someone can relate!:grinning:

At least they have bugs. Us Mercy’s are stuck with a broken and OP kit.

Make more threads about it then?

she went from hero to zero.

That wildebeest isn’t even meta. Let’s worry about him when he becomes relevant.

All this focus time and she’s still a must pick… Can we even call that ”focus time”?

People complain because she’s so viable, she puts grandma out of commission.

Waited almost a year for them to fix this garbage tier rework. You’re acting as if it’s only been weeks since her rework…

Your post went from pretty decent to as bad as Lucio in the current meta. JK, hunny. You are highlighting an issue which I’m all ears for but the constant Mercy threads are justifiable.


It’s a cult :man_facepalming: Dva players didn’t spam the forums like they did and the ones that did were probably Mercy mains that flex to Dva… Should bring back the mega thread and dump everything in it.


Sorry, I’m not a hipster.

Yep, the Revert cultists constantly spamming the same doomsday threads of the so called incoming apocalypse. We have dismissed that claim.


”The sky is falling”.


Oh, I’m sorry, I guess I missed the part where hog’s damage output was nerfed by more than 17%?

There is no longer any situation where Mercy is a better pick than another support in her place. If you want healing, Moira is better at it and deals damage too. If you want damage boost, pick Zen. Orb of Discord is as powerful as Mercy’s ultimate when your team is coordinated enough to attack the same target.

Roadhog has his own issues, but he still feels incredibly powerful in the right hands. He’s a 600hp hero who can literally one-shot heroes with up to 250hp, even without his hook. Roadhog’s problems and Mercy’s problems are two entirely separate things. One lacks consistency, the other now lacks power. We can’t really compare the two, especially since fixing Roadhog involves solving the problem of latency on the internet while fixing Mercy’s problem requires only a few changes to the game’s data. I sincerely doubt that fixing them individually even requires the attention of the same developers.


They sure overreact to that extent.
Edit: oof typos

Cant wait for everyones main to go through the ringer for almost a year, while everyone hates the hero for being too OP and constantly getting flamed. Lol cant wait man, but do agree about the Rein bugs, 100% unfair.


They are very vocal. :wink: