To sym mains, stop complaining

I truly think you created this topic to get people’s goats, I’ll begin with saying…

Your perceived (and maybe actual, I don’t know) disadvantaged D.Va doesn’t thereby invalidate other players’ concerns about another hero, whatsoever. That’s illogical.

Lastly, I mostly play Symmetra, and somewhat find it insulting to us Sym-players “trolls” or to imply that’s why we use the hero.

We’re not even asking for much. In fact this been ask since release so I am not sure why this is new to you.

250 hp been suggested forever.
Short cool down on turrets been suggested forever
Right click shoot faster…finally got accepted though at a lost of pierce through targets.

That’s not how skill works. Skill works by surviving the ordeal and knowing your hero pretty well. The skill you’re talking about is some Call of Duty perspective.

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Agree to disagree.
Sym is a niche hero that has a very specific use and She works well there.

Pretending that a hero with such kit should be effective and viable against people like Soldier, Mcree, Genji, etc who can flick and burst damage in a “general” way is being delusional.

Symmetra was not made to be a generalist and yeah, she is cool now. Many people asking for a rework have a “cant aim for my life” issue. Thats a hard pill to swallow.

You’re like a rich man telling a factory worker “Stop complaining about not being able to live month to month, you don’t see me complaining after my salary went down from 50k per month to 48k, do you? No, because that’s what I’m like.”

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Many people didn’t ask for a rework. We only ask for tweaks. Don’t get your story twisted on what you assumed. Is Symmetra cool now? Meh like 2.5/5 could be a lot better not rely on turrets for kills or playing Mega Man with right click. It’s quite the downgrade once rework set in. Beam used to be the executioner once charged up and surviving the ordeal.

I got what you was saying, but believe me she is totally a bad hero that has a tough time to get spotlight results.


Mega man would have been a dream patch. Too bad they didn’t do that

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Maybe was ALWAYS S tier and almost picked in every OW league game?
makes sense buddy

You even said that she is terrible and considered as a troll pick. And Symm mains don’t want her to be one.
They want her to be viable, probably they don’t even want her to be meta- even if they would like it for sure.
They just want to be able to play her without hearing their team saying things like “GG, Symmetra. we lost”

You make it sound like she was broken af and so easy to play.
Jup, I can finally understand her 99% picrate now, even when it comes to OWL! Thank you for opening my eyes! :heart:

Thats not the problem. The problem is that it has like no range at all and takes ages to deploy- which just… doesn’t feel good or smooth at all.

Doesn’t change the fact that she needs to be close to her enemies to use er left click, close range with no mobility or escape because, as I sad before, teleport takes nearly one whole round to get deployed…

SYMM MAINS REUNITE AND FIGHT!!! :cherry_blossom:

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I’ve been hoping for some sort of Mega Man skin perhaps Mega Man X version suits Symmetra better.

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No you’ll get flamed by the everyone community for being wrong.

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At this point after the primary buff she doesn’t need a lot, the only real problem left with her is that she needs a way to survive (more HP) or escape (better/faster teleporter). There is no need for a huge rework or a huge buff at this point, just some small changes.

Not to be offensive but D.Va has one of the biggest pickrate in every rank since years. Sym is a trollpick or a borderline trollpick since launch

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Yes, you have actually:

And that’s just going back a few months. Should I carry on?

P.S. You have 2 hours of play time on Sym. It’s really not your place to post threads like this.


Daaaaaaaaaaayum could burn yourself on that tea


I have a feeling you have short memory.
“The lack of developer feedback on’s concerns” is still very fresh on my mind. That was literally the Mercy threads spam 1.0.

Symmetra isn’t on a great place and they have the absolute right to complain, even more than what they already do.


Just because you believe there is an issue with your hero, doesn’t mean that other heroes don’t also need to be looked at.

I knew people would flame me, they have a bias agenda for what is broken or not…

Sym now requires skill, and from lock on, which was buggy AF, because it could go through walls.

Its like sym mains cant aim, no it is like that, because they could have played any other dps, that requires aim

Sym 2.0 required way more skill than 3.0 :stuck_out_tongue:


What are you smoking, and can i have some

She was just a hold down fire, now she is aim

No aim + Trololololo shield passive gen Sym 2.0 ?

I cant believe so many people here claim that. No one will let you charge/destroy their shields for free lol. As soon as youre close to that shield youre dead because 0 defenses.

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