To everyone against role queue

You are pretty wrong.

Go look at dead by daylight where people wait 30min to play killer and still will not touch survivor that gives you instaqueue.

No one is forcing me to play ranked support, i could queue for tank or go quickplay. I CHOOSE not to and i’m not mad about it since i get a much better experience and enjoyment during the game.

Role-q is not going anywhere so either accept it or move on.

Flex tank and support. I could often switch with the underperforming tank/support and change the game around, and that’s how I climbed.

So glad I can’t do that anymore. :roll_eyes:

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Hard NO.

It didn’t fix the problems with the game. People cite 4 dps like it was super common when it wasn’t. Toxicity got worse as people feel trapped in their roles unable to switch to something that could counter the problem and hoping the dps, supp, tank can play that role.

You still get dps and tanks and supports who won’t switch when something isn’t working. You get people playing lucio and zen and the team is dying because heals aren’t strong or playing a hog into a reaper. It changed nothing, people are still just as bad as before if not worse. At least before I could change to deal with a problem rather than hope my teammates will even after letting them know what isn’t working.


No, it is very much flexing, it is a fact. To make it easy for you to understand let us just pretend 2-2-2 is not a thing and you are pretending to be a flex player. You get in a QP match and 4 people including you pick DPS and 2 people pick healer, this is the most common occurrence based off the amount of role queue times backing it up as a fact. You would have to play a tank or else you aren’t flex, you are just a lying DPS.

I quoted the Official OW Glossary

Jeff said otherwise, but OK

You keep failing to realize that picking tank isn’t always the best option. It is often a good choice to pick a hero in the tank category, yes, but not always.

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It’s very obvious you are just a dps player with no interest in not being selfish and playing the needed role, you need to learn to flex

BTW the quote you have for the flex definition is from the fanmade wiki page, on the glossary on the forums posted by a mod under slang they list flex as

The spelling error is official

The fact remains that queue for all roles is not flexing. It is filling.

Let me explain in simple terms what flex means. Mid match you discover the reason for your teams struggle is your supports and DPS are getting pressured by a Pharah diving the backline. Neither of the DPS can play hitscan.

You swap to widow, force the pharah to switch, then you swap back into what is needed next if necessary.

Flexing is swapping hero’s and most often ROLES mid game to deal situations no one else can or will deal with.

It is NOT choosing to fill an arbitrary numerical gap.


That’s the opposite of a fact, filling is defined in the same link I quoted right above your comment.

You have no idea what flex means, you are just a selfish dps player who can’t stand having to wait to play a game because you won’t flex


See? Even they say the ability to select a hero

Are you joking? You linked an image showing your playtime from one season four seasons ago where the most played character was only 3 hours, and the next was 30 minutes. This is literally one day of qualifiers total. Like I said, you continue to prove my points

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It’s almost like that verifies that I am not just a selfish DPS main.

You should also read below the picture

Yup. It fits mine more then yours. To select a hero a player prefers that balances the team composition.

2-2-2 is not the epitome of balance. A balanced team comp is one that synergize’s well and also deals well with the enemies comp.

Selecting a hero is not exclusive to start of the game and up until role queue was introduced neither was roles.

As people change hero’s (selecting them) on the enemy team and your team the balance of what you need changes. Thus making FLEXING important.

I quit before role queue came out. Not because of wait times. Because my role as flex is essentially gone.


It’s actually the opposite, you completely proved my point. The best you could do was show competitive stats from 4 seasons ago where all you did was placement matches because if you look at your total times tanks dont even make up any of your most played.

“I did placement matches one time 4 seasons ago as reinhardt and then dropped him, I am totally a flex player and not a selfish DPS”

It’s almost like there was a number in the top right saying 16 games won…

I’m a flex player who plays support/tank a bit more over DPS. And I’ve never supported a role queue.


It also says that your total time played in comp that season was 5 hours, if that is the most you have ever tanked you are just embarrassing yourself trying to argue that you are a flex player

You are fond of assuming things aren’t you?

I play all 3 roles, didnt like role lock. DPS seems like the most fun role right now, tanks just get CCed everywhere, supports experience sucks because of Doomfist. So I’m left with DPS to play and have to wait for a long time. I had more fun in QPC.

You are the one who supplied that hilarious picture as evidence, not my fault it shows the opposite of what you intended


Yup. Even doing something like DPS Comp placements, is Hell. I, basically, have to dedicate an entire day to it or spread it out throughout multiple days, if im busy.

I would like to do more than 1 game an hour (between Q time and match time), you know.

And, forget about “climbing” on DPS. I dont have that much free time. Even QP sucks for it. If i want to DPS, I go in the Arcade.


“Oh, just Flex within your role, bro.”


Every someone says that, in a serious matter, I want to punch them in their face.

Funny part is, i get 222 a lot in QPC. And, statistically, competitive was 222 before Role Q.

Now, we cant flex properly and if we dare to play 1/3 of the roles (over half the Heroes), then you better fire up some Netflix, because its going to be a long wait, man.

Oh, my favorite is Battle Supports. Since DPS Q times went through the roof, I got Ex-Widow Main DPS-ing, to their heart’s content, on Ana.

Yeah, I know what some will say:

“DPS Supports happened before Role Q, bro.”

True, but not to this bloody degree.

Yup. Its known as The Negativity Effect or The Negativity Bias

Basically, even Comp was statistically balanced at 222, people would got a 4 DPS game, here and there, and that would “stick” with them.

Eventually, they would come to the forums, and be like:

“4 DPS in every game, bro. Fix this, Blizz.”

Even though, in reality, this was far from the truth.

That’s basically it. You hit the nail on the head there. There are some DPS players and even some old Flex players that like Role Q/Role Lock.

But, the majority that do like it, our Tank or Support Mains that don’t have to deal with what the rest of us do.

There are of course some Tank and Support Mains that do NOT like Role Q, of course. I’m just talkin about, in general, here. Most people for Role Q are NOT DPS Mains/old Flex Players ans those for it, play Tank and Support (only), mostly.

Some would consider that to be the delusion. Or, naivete, that makes one think that, at the very least.

It’s how some people cope with and justify all this Role Q stuff.

Before Role Q, Flex/Fill players were thanked for being that kind of player. After it, we were “stupid” for not "Maining a Role, like everyone else. And, some even got it into their heads that we were part of the problem, with the old system. Some bs about “Oh, my games sucked because our Gold DPS filled with his Bronze-level Rein” or some crap.

Thing is, that wasnt what Flex players were. We knew how to play multiple Heroes/Roles well. And we were part of what made the old system run. Now, though, it seems like people want to insult us for what we did back then.

I find that, ironically funny, considering we were playing the game how it was designed. The OTPs and Hero/Role Mains were the issue (or at least one of them), not us*

*That being said, I have no problwm with Mains or OTPs. im a very “play what you like” guy, in this game. My problem is that, for years, actual Flex Players tried to play this game, as intended, and now, post Role Q, we’re crapped on almost as bad as DPS Mains, by players like the one you quoted. It just burns me up, man. We spent dozens to hundreds of hours to be the players this game needed, and now we are just tossed out, like trash and insulted by the same players we tried to help, in pre-222. It irritates me.

You can still Flex, in Arcade. Hence why I spend most of my time, there.

Same. Haha.

No, its not. If you are looking to fill, and get as close to 222 as you can, then yes.

Thats not Flexing. Flexing is Switching to the Hero (and/or Comp) thats best for a given scenario, regardless of role.

For example, you could be on Tank, have 222, and swap with one of the Supports to play different Heroes, thats Flexing. Another example is grabbing a third Tank, DPS, or Support (therefore NOT 222).

If you see two Tanks, two DPS, and one Support, and think “Well, I’ll just grab a second Support”, that is filling.

You, as a player, can be both a Fill and Flex player, overall, you just might prioritize one over the other, depending on the situation. But, they are two different things.

Thank You!

My God, why is that so hard to understand?