To be measured by an invisible yard stick

sounds like a game you play in third grade

the leader may call every measurement correct, but that’s not the point

transparency is good

please release the MMR formula, Overewatch is no fun without it :frowning:

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…what exactly are you saying, “that’s so last year”? Why are you posting this crap in the competitive forum?

edit: entire content of original post, since OP is trying to be sneaky with his edits:

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Public Information. Activision, and therefore Blizzard, has a patent that can be used in Overwatch. How many times have players run across the above patent in game? They’ll never release the MMR Formula. Know why? The playerbase would go “Forget this game.”

Or…instead of playing a game where parts of it aren’t known…ditch this game and play a game where things all parts are known and none of the issues in Overwatch are a thing.

this is PBSR, big deal, well it does say ‘dramatically’ and PBSR is only suppose to be minimal.

good or bad matchmaker, this post is about it being public

I’ll give you a hidden mechanic in the NFL: the compensatory draft picks


you mean the last place team gets first round pick next year, that’s not hidden

PBSR is indeed supposed to be minimal. Which automatically disqualifies the above patent from being PBSR. The patent above is not minimal. It says ‘Dynamically’. The above patent would fit in nicely to what the MMR system is currently.

you have no proof

just because they patented it, doesn’t mean they used it

I’ll admit, the evidence is quite danging. still…no proof

This patent is for incentivizing micro transactions not competitive matchmaking. Are you asserting they are grouping bad players without skins with good players who have them to try to make people buy loot boxes?

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yeah, matching for micro transactions seems non existent or maybe even minimal lol

What this patent says is PBSR. But it says “dramatically” modify coefficients. PBSR is only suppose to do it a little bit.

No, teams get additional draft picks as well as the normal ones from their ranking during the season based upon free agency departures, trade outcomes, retirements and other influences. Nobody knows exactly what are the conditions for getting them, otherwise teams would cut and trade specific players to manipulate themselves into better compensatory draft picks. What you’re thinking of is the performance based ranking of drafts from 1-32 in 7 rounds where the super bowl winner is 32 and #1 belongs to the worst team in the NFL. The compensatory picks are in addition to the 7 drafts picks each team gets.


well then this post is directed towards Mr. RG as well

Did you edit out the NFL remark in the OP? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


HAHAHA he did, he did…

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I didn’t say it was proof. I did say that the parent company that owns Blizzard, owns that patent. Nothing more, nothing less.

As I’m not an OW Dev, nor are you, I can’t say it is or isn’t in the game.

It sure would fit in though.

absolutely, my reality changes as I learn, and I thank you for your knowledge

it would, I’ll give you that, so then, how do people get to GM? does it only do it for some and not for others?

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I would argue that sports psychology could be considered a “hidden mechanic” as well - overcoming mental blocks in the process of getting good. It’s probably a lot easier for the NFL than for Overwatch pros, too - no need to learn health pack locations! :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face:

A combination of skill and some other ingredients no one but the OW Devs know.

Ever watch the handful of full length bronze to GM series videos out there? Every notice how they rarely have a leaver on their team? It happens, yes. But not as often as my account had when I played. Not by a long shot. Odd. I always found it odd how these alt smurf bronze to GM accounts rarely, if ever, had to deal with issues I did in my close to 2000 hours of Overwatch game time.

Like I said, Tact. It’s not proof. It sure would fit in nice though, no?

yeah a nice fit, but if you want to go down the rabbit hole, then let’s go down the rabbit hole

I SERIOUSLY doubt anything nefarious is going on. I’m 5% skeptical. But if something like this ever got out…

I think Overwatch will be F2P and the MMR formula will be public. If these two things haven’t happened by the 10th anniversary, I’ll probably stop playing lol

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There’s no rabbit hole I care to go down. As I’ve said, I’ve moved in to fps games where the issues I bemoaned are not present. Overwatch can languish where it is. OW2 also, as those issues will not be resolved.