To be measured by an invisible yard stick

Glad I could teach you somthing new today! Anytime

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Post game adjustments to SR/mmr is not the same as matchmaking. Seriously can people not understand this still?

That patent is not pbsr related. In any possible way.

There are multiple parts. One part is putting new players with old to show off skins - encouraging lootbox purchases from the new players to get the skins. A second part (the quoted section) is to keep players playing by giving them free wins for “fun” as it is unlikely you can sell lootboxes to players who quit a game from never winning or feeling powerful/impactful.

it absolutely is. if you change my rank in any way shape or form, that is an aspect of matchmaking

I 100% agree with this. The hidden secret thing they dont want to make public is to keep as many as possible players playing.
Like a new players started in gold, but is actual bronze skill, will not loose all his matches until it is in bronze. But make sure this player will get some games he will win (get carried) on his way down.
Next to lots of things that keep also the casual players playing, who don’t care of practicing or becoming better/learning the game.

As long there is a pro-scene like OWL who dont have to deal with the above, will keep the competitive driven players playing, even if they dont like or understand the ladder system. As long they will climb(even is it very slow) most of them will just feel they are playing to less to climb. And keep on playing. Even with all the by the system created ‘almost’ impossible to win games.

This has as much value of your gamepaly fun as if you had source code. They are not gonna give it to you and its not gonna affect the fun in your games.

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Sorry, my bad. Totally didn’t know the matchmaking algorithms changed depending on rank. Do you have a link for this bombshell?

matchmaking is inputs and outputs, if you change the inputs, you change the matchmaker

if you wanna say inputs are separate from the matchmaker, then you’re correct

I’m listening

well there’s only one way to find out

Okay, I’ve told you before but now that you’re listening: Blizzard will never, ever, ever give you the source code. Move along, now. :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: