To anyone still skeptical about losers queue existence

Im sure most of you are aware of Riot Games being hacked days ago. Well the thing is that those hackers took the source code of League of Legends and recently it has been leaked.
Ok, the point is that people have found that inside the source code there are many lines that suggest that the matchmaker is able to tag you and put you in games with people that is also tagged as trolls, flamers, or lower skill than you, to try to make you lose.

Different game, different company, but remember that Activision has been accussed of this even before the term was popular, and the source came from suppossed ex-developers as a revenge after being fired.

Or, you know:

Q: Do you deliberately place players into winner queues and loser queues?
A: There are no winner or loser queues in Overwatch. Your current MMR is the only thing the matchmaker takes into consideration when forming your matches. The matchmaker doesn’t force a 50% win rate on anyone, nor do we favor certain players over others.


They will always bring the matchmaker putting you into higher ranked players and so, matches getting harder because you are getting to your ceiling.

What losers queue means is that once you are there you will be paired with the worst of the people in your team, against the best of the people in the oppossite team. Basically is to rig a match.


Devs also admitted they use a predictability variable for matchmaking.

So clearly, at one point the game tries to shutdown your streak ; either winning or losing.

But if the game tries to prevent losing streak, then you can’t tell a loser queue would exist…
When you lose, you get tilted and you’ll be likely to be matched with lower players to let you shine but you’re probably not in the right mindset for that.

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I understand what losers queue is. Please read the part of my post I bolded.

People who think there’s a losers queue are just people who are looking for reasons other than their own performance to try and explain their losses.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Maybe I’m thinking about a different MOBA, but isn’t that just the “If lots of people report you, you end up in games with other people who get reported a lot” feature/punishment that’s been common knowledge for a while now?


Then the part you bolded is irrelevant. It means It doesnt take in account your MMR, if so, you would still be matched with people of similar level. The source leaked implies that you can be tagged even for a bad word then getting consistently paired with the worst people you will ever meet for several games.

I’m fairly certain it is. I remember riot talking about it in the past, but I’m not in the place to watch the video OP linked / track down quotes I barely remember from like 7+ years ago haha! But I definitely remember it being talked about how they do intentionally start to put leavers / flamers / etc in a queue together for awhile.

Either that or I’m also misremembering a different game.

Yes, basically. Its also the same game that decided that its so toxic they developed a bot with a black list of words that bans you on sight for using any curse word regardless the context. Its also the same game that automatically bans you if you receive x numbers of reports in a row even if some of them were fake. Its also the same game that jumps from a week ban straight to a permaban in your second ban. Yes its that game.

Firstly, the quote is from the OW devs, not LoL. I don’t really care what LoL does. They aren’t the OW devs. Applying a cross-company conspiracy is about as stupid as it sounds.

Secondly, based on what I’ve watched from the video, it doesn’t sound like that’s at all what they’re doing. this sounds like the “smurf queue” and troll queue functionality that dota has that isolates misbehaving players, not that it tries to purposely place them in some sort of loser queue. That wouldn’t really make any sense.

I’m fairly convinced most people who talk about this stuff simply don’t understand basic statistics and unpredictability involved in video game matchmaking. Everything that people claim are conspiracies are pretty easy to explain with much simpler explanations. Occam’s razor, and all.

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yes, flamer/hacker and troll hell is a thing in league of legends and its good that it is. how that is connected to “losersqueue” is beyond me however. thats something entirely different. if you lose games you are not automatically a troll/flamer.

yeah they “could” make winners/losers queue a reality, the tech is out there. i dont see what they would gain from it though.

putting ppl that show negative behaviour in their own little purgatory pool is not a new idea and i think its brilliant.

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I know the quote is from OW devs, the point is that they were already accussed of using this kind of technology in other games like CoD or WoW even before Riot was accussed of that. So this suggest the technology exists, and people here recently has been saying they experienced similar things with the matchmaker since the jump to f2p. So if Blizzard has been already accussed of using a thing that people deemed of a conspiracy, and then someone else is proven to use that as well, its logical to think Blizzard may been using that this whole time as well.

Its related, It already means you are admitting you can manipulate the matchmaker, and place you with bad teammates once you meet certain requeriments.

I feel like you’re just using the word manipulate here to make things sound sketchier than they are.

Placing players in an isolated pool isn’t a bad thing. It’s like saying the presense od console vs PC pools in overwatch is a form of “manipulating the matchmaker.” Because after all, if the matchmaker was fair and only used MMR, then PC and console players of the same MMR would get paired together, right?

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Its not to isolate them in separate pools. Imagine this situation.

Im bronze, I start playing and win a lot in a consistent basis, It must mean bronze isnt my rank right? So I rise to silver, then I should be matched with silvers now. I check the ranks, and I find my team is comprised of golds and a platinum player, and we are all against bronze players and one of them starts crying noob team. Whatever, I convince myself that this isnt my rank, so I get to gold. I should be playing with golds now right? Then suddenly I find my team comprised of silver and bronze players, some of them are console players but the enemy team is all comprised of mkb users and most of them are plat except one of them who admits he is a GM smurf.

Is that really my rank? To play against plat+ players? Then why Im paired with silver and bronzes now? And they also start to get progressively more tilted and trolls as well, while earlier some of my teammates were playing like if they were smurfs. So if those silver and bronzes are also playing against plat+ players like me, why do them look like if they were playing at lower ranks?

You see? This feel more like rigged matches, the disparity bettween both teams is just too high.

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People seems to forget that companies cares about business first and everything else is secondary.

They don’t care if their matchmaking is unfair as long as it keeps people in the game spending money (matchmaking is not regulated by anyone so they can make it the way they want). Which is where the forced winrate stuff comes in.
Force everyone to have 50% winrate so they all feel (on paper) equal.

No? Of course the technology exists. It’s not some complicated AI thing that requires years of R&D. People don’t call it a conspiracy because they don’t believe it’s physically possible, they call it a conspiracy because it’s a ridiculous thing to assert without good evidence (of which there is none).

This is tantamount to saying “well he called you a thief, and there are definitely thieves out there, so it’s logical to think that you are in fact a thief.”


While they say one thing about it not existing, it does feel like it does exist.

Whenever I am winning too frequently, I would then get a streak of games where there’s often a dps player who has 1 elmins to 3 or 4 deaths, or players that complains their hero sucks when it is actually one of the stronger hero or meta but can’t perform well on them and blaming it on the hero.

In the end, I just stop caring because I know there will always be mistake I have made in the game as well, so I should focus on fixing those instead of caring about winning or losing.

There was no proof this existed, just some assumptions and the words of some suppossed no name programmers.

People called it a conspiracy because they said its just MMR and an algorythm like that enters in conflict with the whole MMR system. This leaked code pretty much suggests they can ignore MMR when they want to match you following different rules.

Sometimes I feel like the huge team player disparity is because the matchmaker just wanting to set up a match asap for the player to start playing right away. Especially for the ones with large queue time, which are the extreme higher MMR and the extreme lower MMR players. This is where the under-performing players are showing up in the games.

As a gold support player, I am constantly having to fight with diamond flankers, lol. while I can still kill them, I still lose most of the duel which is to be expected.

Yes, but then you have to take into account this only applies when no players are found for a long while. So It would get a pass if you are in queue for 10 minutes and cant find anything in your MMR then the matchmaker will get less
picky. It shouldnt be the case when the matches are found quite fast.