To anyone dissatisfied with D.Va's story

I also have to defend Hero. It was a short that many people didn’t like because it was right after the action-filled Dragons. But it provides a HUGE amount of lore to Overwatch and Dorado.

For instance, we know how much Les Muertos occupies Dorado and how much they can get away with (e.g. shipping a Minigun around)

We know it’s so bad that regular citizens cannot get on with daily life activities easily.

I particularly enjoyed how they stylized 76. It was much much more than a simple fistfight.

For instance, prior to Overwatch disbanding, Jack Morrison had to deal with public images, present himself as a positive leader of a do-good society. Now as 76, he operates in the shadows and has as little qualms about harming people as his opposite, Gabriel Reyes. He just happens to harm bad guys.

We also see how he deals with expectations of him being a leader or a good guy, and how despite everything he says, he still cares for people and save lives at his own expense.

We’re given a light of who Soldier 76 is and how he operates, as well as influences on him from Jack Morrison

I really disagree with you, I think we learned less about Jack Morrison as a person than we did about Hana song, but I’m too tired to type anymore tonight and my hands hurt so I think I’m gonna call it quits tonight. G’night guys!


I like the story. I think it’s fun.

So… You mean almost exactly like Shooting Star but SS has a cool mech battle and more inner conflict?

Your opinion, just as subjective and valid as mine. Have a good night :slight_smile:

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Totes McGotes! Thanks for the discussion =)

And Star Wars sucked. Well the Disney revamped versions.

Lets not lie. They copy and pasted the same plotline and dragged out scenes with hero that had almost no background to them.

For crying out loud the newest hero with thee most story development is Finn and he’s not even a Jedi!!! Or a Sith.

Meanwhile the main antagonists are completely mysteries. You could put a monkey in there and get the same results because of no backstory.

Well for one, the “cooler mech battle”, which I think is supposed to be a defining feature of the short(?), was honestly a little underwhelming for me. It wasn’t much different to watching a dogfight. I mean, DVa’s in a MECH. Surely there was SO much more they could have done, but at the end of the day it felt like an ability demonstration.

I also disagree with the inner conflict part, which is one of my main critiques against Shooting star. DVa transitioned from “Best Player in the Country” to “I need help from friends as well” fairly quickly, smoothly, without much conflict at all.

Meanwhile, we see much more conflict in Hero.
We have 76 struggling between drawing more blood or saving lives. This isn’t just a coin toss situation, it’s a conflict between Soldier 76 and Jack Morrison–the former takes lives while the latter saves.
We have conflict between the presented public opinion and actual public opinion. We know that society does not see highly of Overwatch or Vigilantes, but we also see children “with hope in their eyes” when they witness these heroes of past times at work.

But thanks a lot for your opinion on Shooting Star. I might watch it again and see if I missed anything. Hopefully my explanation will help you enjoy Hero a bit more too

Palpatine in episode 6 prior to the prequels was literally this

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Ahhhh! But you shall his journey know his path. You walked with him as he wave a wand in front of the orchestra that was the Galatic Republic. Flipped on its side into the Galatic Empire all under passive rule and having fools pitted against one another.

This is why Palpatine did not fight himself. He always used someone else to act as his saber.

Agreed! But not many are complaining about that specifically regarding the DVA short, they’re frustrated at the lack of lore in general.

Not what cliche means. Google “story structure” and “hero’s journey”. The elements of the story structure this short used were far far too on the nose, and the elements it didn’t use were badly needed.

This character has more options for storytelling than literally any other character because she had the least amount of lore. Her city had the least amount of lore. Her opponents had the least amount of lore. Literally they could have done almost anything imaginable and it wouldn’t have contradicted her existing lore.

Like I said above, it’s not about reinventing the wheel. The elements used were too blatant and were not introduced naturally (a character flaw, and a character change with no reason to change). And the elements left out were critical parts of the Hero’s Journey (like a character change brought by loss. ‘The Crucible’ a moment where the hero loses all hope)

Way to use the ‘well you’re just a hater!’ argument whenever something gets criticized. I honestly thought you were a mature person up to this point.

Beastmasters…and Optimus Prime was a Talking Gorilla with a Jetpack…

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Thank you.
Yes, I think that some, like you and I picked up on that aspect of East Asian culture depicted in the short. Add the fact that at the conclusion of the video, the South Korean military made a statement that Hana saved the day and escaped without injuries to downplay the severity of the situation. So like what is happening within Asia and South-East Asia. Ha!

I think that there is an easter egg in the video short as well.

The Overwatch team obviously loved Crysis…and Crysis 1 took place within the Korean Peninsula… :laughing:

I didn’t write ‘well you’re just a hater’, and I find it ironic that you’re using my statement of “You’re free to hate it and Blizzard,” to call me immature while simultaneously putting words in my mouth. I genuinely think people are entitled to dislike the short and dislike Blizzard, I know that my opinion on the company and what it does isn’t going to change someone else’s perception of it, and many people around here are still pretty young and have a LOT of expectations for Blizzard. This gives them a negative feeling when they’re not getting all that they want, and they start hating the company. I view it as a kind of temporary hate; it’s not hurting anything, they’re just mad about stuff that they may not fully understand, I was there too once. I was trying to make a post where no one felt pressured to agree with me in any way, because I miss genuine forum discussion and sometimes I’m a bit of a dick but I’m doing my best.

Anyway, carry on.

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