Generally, my overall goal is as many heroes “decent tier” as possible simultaneously.
And generally I go for ideas which are the least path of resistance.
Usually trying to find the “tweak one variable, and it fixes everything” approach.
The analogy for changes, I use is brain surgery.
Usually there’s something you want removed, without harming the surrounding area.
For overall balance, the analogy I use the the ecosystem niche model.
I.e. The niche between
Soldier > McCree > Ashe > Widow
Is largely a difference in firerate and damage per bullet.
Also recently, what with OW2 confirmed to be eating up a ton of dev resources.
I assume everything has to be done with zero new 3D art assets, and minimal coding. Ideally just variable changes.
Incidentally, the rapid patching of the game with variable changes. (That also powers the Experimental Mode) Pretty certain they got that from me.
Patch 1.43 clarification - #7 by GreyFalcon-11737