To all the people crying about Mercy

yes they take more skill. but just because they take more skill doesn’t mean they’re more affective. lucio and ana certainly do not dish out as much heals as mercy.

98%— most of the time someone is taking damage or is critical. it’s important to proritize healing, but yes. Perhaps it’s 90-95%.

Saying Ana and Lucio don’t take more Skill than Mercy???

The more this thread continues, the more these responses to the OP are making my day. I’m literally crying laughing with all the witty replies / memes. :blue_heart:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Not ten times more…

Especially since we’ve already established that you’re clueless when it comes to playing Mercy.

You were never in a position to judge the skill requirements of any of these heroes.


i mean, when you attract me to a thread, you either get serious calculated response…or smart alec comments, which causes others to be smart alecs

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maybe 1.5 times…maybe

You can thank Aria Rose for blowing your credibility, nobody takes any of you seriously anymore and I don’t see how that’s remotely surprising all things considered.

Damage Amp still caught a buff, and Dev’s have looked the other way on practically every Mercy bug so far - if enough people like it and support it then it will probably stay as it is, be vocal about the good things they are doing for your character for a change.

True Fact: The only skill in the game is aim.

  • DPS Trash Bads.

you said Mercy doesn’t need to aim to heal.

I’ll do you one better, Lucio just need to stand still to heal.


i don’t know what you’re talking about. ive gained at least 800 sr in the past two seasons, if not more, and i main mercy and moira (though I rarely play moira in competitive. I prefer her in quickplay, however)

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Especially not Lucio…lol…he’s like easy mode compared to Mercy in GM. So much less vulnerable, much more value, way better ulti…


BAHAHA I love this. I second that.

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Ana will out heal Mercy 9.5 times out of ten. Watch a pro game and you will see they are on dmg boost even more than heal.

Clearly you never play mercy, my friend😂. I always have gold healing. I hardly ever get silver unless it’s a heals only moira or a reddit lucio, my friend.

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because…when someone else is healing and cant boost people’s damage, WHY WOULD YOU NOT BE BOOSTING DAMAGE

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Where is your ana my friend? She will out heal Mercy any day.

If you’re the Mercy in that scenario, yes. That would likely be the case.


Gold healing for Mercy is normal… In silver.

ana+mercy or lucio+mercy is common in Soloq and i hardly lose gold heals. I think I’ve only been beaten by an ana once, way back.

okay…i cant say anything besides okay because I dont hav ethe game anymore