Tired of "Its just QP"

if you want competitive qp use lfg. hell lfg is only good for qp anyways.

Right… the thinking behind that phrase is more along the lines of “the toxicity people experience in comp is a side effect of how seriously people take it”… not that people taking it seriously is a bad thing, of course they should want to win.

Blame Hog, Zarya, and D.Va mains for my not wanting to heal anymore. Maybe if they thought more of their team instead of just playing like bulky dps and putting themselves on pedestals just because they picked tank-role heroes (for instance, the gremlin can fly for a short time. How about using that to knock the Widow sniping me off her perch instead of dive-bombing the middle of the enemy team, leaving their Widow to do what comes natural and whining about healing after I’m dead?), then I’d be more inclined to pick healers. If I could depend on Moira (when I’m not her at least) and Brigitte to stay where I can effectively protect them as a tank instead of trying to flank for that sick highlight to post on reddit, or Mercy to pay attention to her surroundings for once instead of attempting to rez me out in the open alone and dying, I’d be more inclined to tank.

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3 modes,
Quickplay (for sub-casuals)
Unranked (for casuals and people looking to practice)
Competitive (for ranked play)

Since apparently Arcade and Customs, the entire subset of modes literally designed for people who don’t want to try and just want to do their own thing in a team-based game, aren’t good enough apparently.


it’s just quickplay bro, relax.

Nope. QP tracks your MMR, but you get zero feedback about your play record so there’s literally no reason to even try in the mode.

It’s why the average game of QP is quad sniper + Torb and Bastion.

Then how do you practice for comp when you’re just trolling and having fun being dumb in quickplay…?

If you have a source for this information I’d love to see it

Try to play to win in qp:
Chill it’s just qp.

Try to play to win in comp:
Chill its just a game.

With this community it always seems to be something other than people throwing.

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You can just do the practicing in comp, theres going to be more coordination then in quickplay and everything will be more serious. You can also do practicing in custom games like headshot training.

Yeeaaahhh that…that doesn’t ever go very well. You are now teamed up with 5 randies, who suddenly now must learn to flexibly coordinate with your individual style of gameplay that they’ve never experienced before.

People would stop playing if 2-2-2 was a thing.

For fun players like you make this game terrible

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You’re not the only person practicing heroes in the casual gamemode that doesn’t affect your SR.

If you’re getting tilted enough to “quit the game” over people not playing the CASUAL gamemode as strictly as if it were competitive, you needed a break anyways.

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Because heroes in those stupid team compositions aren’t playable in comp.

And watch how fast you see the line “REPORTED” about you in chat.

Good, those people clearly don’t want to play a team based game.

A lot of people say this but the only reason people even try in competitive is BECAUSE of the SR. Nobody wants to lose precious SR and everyone wants to gain precious SR. Remove the SR component and you’re effectively removing any incentive to actually try, so you end up with another QP.

Without the risk of dropping rank, why tryhard? Why use a boring team comp? Why be forced into a role you play everyday when you just want to try sniping for once instead of healing with no pressure or stress of losing SR for yourself and your team? Why should you be forced to heal for a healer main when you yourself are trying to practice Hanzo just because they wanna practice Hammond? Why is one person’s wants and needs more important than another’s?

There is nothing wrong with the way QP is, there are only people who have a good time regardless of what’s happening around them, and those who, even tho the devs have provided ways of grouping up with like minded individuals, feel like they’d rather go solo and then complain that nobody else is on the same page as them.

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We will win cp lol, it’s an incentive to win.

OP has a valid point, and this is unlikely to be fixed.

The reason is conflicting purposes.

One is, a mode where the team tries to win. Another is to provide a game where people can try things that hurt the chance to win.

If you make it more costly to lose, you take away the role of ‘go try a new character’ or other things where winning isn’t much of an issue.

If you don’t, people will use it for ‘fun’ purposes where winning is less important.

It’s a bit like asking people, ‘want to play chess with people who just make bad moves and don’t care about winning?’ Not a lot of fun.