Timthetatman gets GM after not playing for a year

More like Timtheplatman


It will come with time, be patient.

It’s because they falsely think people are equally good with heros inside a role f.e. they think an Ana is also good with Lucio but in reality an Ana might be a crappy Lucio and an awesome Widow.

Imagine a 4k ana player gets hard countered by a tracer, he could switch to Brig to counter her but is ranked at 2k with Brig so it’s a bad idea.
He decides to switch to smth he can play f.e. a Winston (ranked 3.8k) to counter tracer and expects someone else would then go brig (someone who is higher with brig than him) to take his place. If no one can do it it will be a weird team comb but at least everybody is playing what they are good at.

Now with the current system in place the ana player will have to soft throw because ana is the only support he’s good in.

Of course inside his role, when he played Ana at 4k and the rest at 2k he does not deserve to have a high rank, but “playing only chars inside a role” is not how he used to play the game and it’s not how he got his rank.