Timthetatman gets GM after not playing for a year

So how does the SR system work again.


Long story short: It just doesnt work.


He is a total potato.
But potato that plays all the time, so…
Dedication wins lulz

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If even a potato can do it, surely the real pro’s on the forums can?
(I know he isn’t perfect, but i think he’s a lot better than the average forum user)

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They are working on the SR. This is only a Beta Season and are JUST using it for data.


If even a potato can do it, surely the real pro’s on the forums can?
(I know he isn’t perfect, but i think he’s a lot better than the average forum user)

If average forum player is a gold, cause gold is the most average rank, then he is way better than those.


wasnt he legit boosted to start with?


He did his placements with seagull and emongg and placed in masters i think (where he was a year ago too) Dont think anything is wrong with it. He played like thousands of hours Apex, Fortnite etc meanwhile

He got Masters with his dps placements with Torb and Sym. He was playing with Seagull.

He’s a gm lvl player

He’s just being boosted by a bunch of streamers on their 4th accounts. He is pretty bad honestly.


This. Like… The fact that people actually think he is decent shows how… Not decent… They are.


Same thing happened to a friend of mine. He has not touched the game in over a year, lost all his placements horribly except for one (because he forgot how to play) and yet still placed like 4100

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It’s called being boosted by top500 players. He queues with them while doing placements.


That plays all the time? He hasn’t played for a year and even then he was a potato.


That’s what ruined 2-2-2, Blizzard’s inability to place people in their respective ranks.


You get placed close to where you ended the prevoius season no matter how long ago the season was, modified slightly by performance plus or minus a 100 or so SR.

Performance has never really mattered during placements apart from your very first season.


You must be bronze to believe that. Having seen his Placements and watching Jaynes guess my SR a lot I would say he plays on a 3.1k level and thats considering he played against higher level players. Ignoring his enemies rank I would have thought he was PLAT.

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His 4 stack needed to switch accounts a few times because they were getting too high to play with him. He is a funny guy but he is the definition of boosted.


That plays all the time? He hasn’t played for a year and even then he was a potato.

Playing other games also counts towards developing the game sense.