Time to buff Dva

It’s that time of year.

There’s a severe lack of Dva in top 500 and I deem that unacceptable.
Too much hazard.

Time to let call mech stun :+1:


Let’s nerf Hazard first and then see where she lands :pregnant_man:

Not the pregnant emoji :flushed:


Or better yet, nerf Hazard and give D.Va 25 armor. Honestly that’s enough of a buff. She does need it but she really doesn’t need that much IMO.

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They made one of the best tanks with proper skill expression and fun and casual in gaming with dva , not to mention her popularity then they refused to make more like her, if more tanks were like her maybe the role would have been popular.

Hazzard would be nice if they made his block not a facepalm emoji and gave him proper tools instead.

currently the funnest experience of hazzard is to dive in with a moira and facepalm yourself while she throws a orb and suck and someone dies.

great combo totally epic gameplay experience for everyone involved.


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