Time for Bastion to Rise Up

It’s inexcusable to leave him in the state he’s in, especially with the hanzo storm arrow buff. We keep asking for new heroes when there is one sitting there rusting due to neglect. He needs something, ANYTHING at this point.


switch to orisa (or any sheild tank). then bastions op af. don’t see the promblem here. hes not that hard to counter, but he is not weak.

Honestly there isn’t a lot they can do with Bastion without him becoming OP in the bottom and extreme top level of players, the best change I’ve seen would have to be changing into his ultimate form faster

Although my hot-take on it, is that Bastion isn’t as bad of a hero people think he is, he requires a lot more learning then other heroes which is why he is a bottom-tier pick in most ranks but honestly there are a few DPS heroes I’d say he’s better than

Don’t listen to these people.

Yes, Bastion IS horrible right now. We don’t need to deflect or call it something it isn’t.

But we also aren’t stuck like people think we are… it’s not as if it would ruin people’s fun for Bastion to be… playable. Yea, you’d have to think before attacking him… like with every other hero.

Personally, I’ve been pushing my own rework more and more:

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Haven’t you been doing this for years? Nothing has changed at all because they’re not reading it.

Who cares? Honestly I’m 100% sure they have read it, due to the size of the old mega threads and the influence they had around here.

I’m still sharing these ideas because I believe them to be valid and worth while.

I don’t see you providing anything of the sort.

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wow no reason to be defensive about it all I’m saying is that your megathread didn’t do anything to bastion even after many people agreed with your idea

Yea, and I’ve been told this for literal years. >~> I kinda don’t care anymore.

That mega thread was the second, and then the third mega thread there was.
(And it wasn’t even the last one)

Yes this has gone on for years, yes they likely know and still haven’t done anything.

That’s on them.

maybe I should make more nerf bastion threads to lighten you up

I’d rather not upgrade my headache, thank you.

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Yeah I think a good amount of people realized this by now. But I gave up on trying to ask for buffs/rework. They don’t listen so there isn’t really a point