Throwers should be punished

4100 game on xbox guy throws the game bc a guy he doesnt like on hes team, 4200 game on xbox guy throws the game bc someone made a joke about Playload maps… there’s no winning to this game anymore. It’s all throwers on xbox gm (EVERY EAST GAME I GET) someone is throwing. Idc if that’s “part of the game” it makes people want to go back to fortnite maybe have your replays save them send u a clip of them throwing the game so either I get my sr back or ban them


calm down…

Imma fr bout to quit the game again

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I just threw a game like 10 seconds ago. I was getting countered on Pharah and thinking about switching, but then someone typed “pharah switch” into chat, so I stayed on her the rest of the game and lost. haha.

Throwers should be punished yes. But it’s not how the system works. Trying to implement a system that could detect these wrongs would be a waste of commitment, resources and money. And the reason for that is people are going to win and lose which Blizzard cannot control of intervene the competitive match as much as you think they can. And while throwing is absurd, it’s not like Blizzard can typically restrain every thrower in the server. The closest you can have someone punished for throwing is a report under Game Sabotage or Inactivity but you will need to also provide a description of the thrower.

Also throwing a match to any throwers on this thread is absolutely absurd and frowned upon. Do not play if you cannot handle criticism or get upset cause you lost a point

I really hate petty people like you. 8/10 throwers are just trying to spite 1 person for slighting them, and screwing over the other 5 players.

It didnt even sound like they were that toxic, they just called out a bad pick and make a call out.

The pettiness of OW players who’d rather lose just to piss somebody off makes me want to uninstall sometimes.


Well, now that you know the danger of pissing off a petty person, maybe don’t tell people what to play?

Or maybe you get over yourself or just dont play a team based game that expects you to be a team player instead of being a petulant child ready to throw his team under the bus for being asked to switch, a CORE ASPECT OF THIS TEAM BASED GAME?

Quit trying to take the high ground when you’re admitting to throwing to be petty.


I’m simply warning you about the nature of the game. I like being petty and throwing. I like Overwatch. I’m fairly average in my opinion. You are the one who doesn’t like the outcome of his behavior.

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While that’s insanely petty, I also totally get it.

I had someone type “REIN TANK” when no one followed my push, I got no heals because they were off on a date or something, and got clobbered. You’re gonna allcaps at me when I died due to zero backup? Naw. You get no shields at all since you clearly weren’t planning to play behind it.

Also I think they put me on avoid because I went on a win streak after that.

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Haha I got ya. I have a super petty Rein thing. I’ll actually act like I’m doing what they want, but mid fight I’ll drop my shield w/o warning to get people killed. The rage when they figure out what I’m doing is crazy. lol

Two problems here, really:

  1. Most people are not mentally and/or emotionally suited for competitive/team environments. That is encapsulated by Anubis behavior. They don’t see it as a problem, they see it as being caused by others, when really they are responsible for their own behavior.

     (This is what happens when you make a competitive team based game so accessible. You really see how few people are suited for playing it.)
  2. Throwing is subjective. No two people in this community define it the same way. There are obvious examples like jumping off a cliff repeatedly, afking in spawn, etc. Some people expand the definition to include hero picks, playing poorly, etc.

Simply put: Throwing requires intent. It is extremely difficult to prove intent, so banning someone for throwing when it isn’t one of the blatant examples is very difficult and particularly troublesome when it comes to potentail collateral damage.


too provocative to be taken serious.

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With replays, it’s much easier to see intent vs just bad play.

I have a vid I saved of a Lucio throwing like he was trying to hit the sun. It’s absurd. But I have a few (unsaved) I’ve watched where what looked like throwing in-game was just a person who was very bad. Sadly I’m in Bronze+ where there is a LOT of that.

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Problem there is the manpower required to review the deluge of evidence being submitted daily. It’s why the report system is automated.

Hard to get them to commit that kind of $$ to the discipline system of a 4 year old game

And frankly people like you need to be permabanned. If you’re going to screw over your entire team regularly because ONE PERSON was being annoying towards you, you need to find a different solo game.

So many lost games because dipshizzes like you decided you wanted to “teach someone a lesson” and throw.

If your inclination in a team based game is to spitefully throw your team under the bus for any percieved slight, you have no business being in competetive.

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Well, maybe you shouldn’t cause people on your team to think they are being slighted. Then, the majority of throwers will statistically be on the other team, and you’ll get free SR. I don’t have a problem with that.

Again, nothing is going to change my behavior, and I’m fine with the state of play. You are the one getting outcomes you don’t like, because of your own behavior.

Why take responsibility for your own behavior when you can blame anyone and anything else?
-The Overwatch Community

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I love the people who say no heals no shield, then I say back to them no shield no heals, they get mad and throw the match.

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Talking about behavior while freely admitting you throw games out of petty spite regularly.

You cannot get banned fast enough dude.

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