Three Changes that would Make OW Better

  1. Pre-match map voting

This is one area where the game would improve drastically. If I had a say in what map I played, I would be more content with this game.

  1. Hero rank

I considered this idea since the glory days of OW 1, and it’s never seemed more relevant. I’m not going to outline exactly how it would work, but it would be a great addition and help competitive if you can only select the heroes within a specific rank.

  1. Bring back LFG (or a queuing filters)

Solo queue is a nightmare. If you’re lucky, you’ll get a good group that communicates and plays together. It would be nice if you could easily find players or at least queue with players who are on coms. The filter would be less reliable because you could be on coms and not communicate, but that could be impacted by endorsements and endorsement level.


i thought about gatekeeping certain heros behind rank also

i was immediately deafened by the unending screeching of smurfs who use those certain heros whom we all know need to be locked in low ranks

Hero rank might be quite hard since it could be exploited for smurfing. If you then try to fix that by clamping the amount of heroes in a specific range of rank, it wouldn’t work very well.

This game is all about who can counter who, and if you clamp ones ability to counter pick it wouldn’t be very fair. Honestly I don’t exactly like hard counters tbh, but if you have a grass type, then I’m gonna go fire type. Its just the way the game is.

  1. I approve, we need a map voter. Flashpoint sucks.

  2. No.

  3. No. You would lose 1 game in LFG and the group would dissolve + the amount of all the NSFW, racism, and throwers you’ll come across in LFG is just as random as solo queue.

Just play xdefiant, don’t bother with this dumpster fire game.

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I really like this actually.

People have wanted LFG and “guilds” for awhile. As long as LFG and Guilds means that they are the only ones that compete against one another. It would really make this game FUN for groups of players that want that Community battles thing.


With LPs we need Map voting or map selection. so that way we are playing modes we want to actually be in. I personally do not see one map or the other being ignored like they claim. Because there are some here that would play PUSH all day if they wanted to, and others that will play 2 CP all day. Even I would play 2 CP still if it still existed. I loved Volskaya.

I think Hero rank match could work to a degree, or cause problems. As it could cause “hero clashing” and "hero dueling’ unless they appropriately allow a person to pick 3 specific heroes they will play during a match (3-5) and that the other team is NOT matched against those same 3-5 heroes. so we don’t have mirror dueling.

interesting though! :slight_smile:

Make it possible to opt put of a gamemode. Like push or flashpoint for example.
That way you could avoid all the maps of a single gametype at a time. That way you could avoid playing the same map type several times ina row at least.
This feature should not be available in comp as you should be able to play any mode thrown at you. But there should be an inbuilt system that makes it less likely to end in the same gamemode several times in a row.

It would be pretty difficult to group heroes like that, as before you know it an easier hero like moira wouldn’t be allowed in bronze because she is most effective in low ranks.
I don’t think it would end up working very well.

Lfg as it was probably won’t make a return, but a queue filter might work.
Just tick a box to prefer players who also ticked the same box (like voice chat for any mode or relaxed for qp and arcade modes)

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We already have map voting…they can see how many people leave pre match

They can lower odds of getting those if they like

But I’m not giving the community the option to pick maps….because then we will ONLY ever play 5 maps


But I’m not giving the community the option to pick maps….because then we will ONLY ever play 5 maps

U a game dev? :smiley:

Pre match voting would effectively delete 85% of the maps from ever being picked.
This has always been the case in every multiplayer game that’s allowed it for 20+ years.

A 1 time majority map veto like cod4 used to do is the better way. That way when a seriously awful map like paraiso, circuit, or Havana comes up it’s a guaranteed veto

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Kings row and only kings row, just like on TF2 i only play 2fort x-D

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  • Map vote is needed

  • I have no clue what hero rank entails, so I would appreciate it if it had more clarity

  • No to LFG, however I agree with others that we should have a guild system instead. You get a lot of horrible people in LFG and I can easily see people use LFG with friends to grief randoms by reporting whoever joins the party to get them banned or suspended.

With a guild system in place you wouldn’t really have to worry about griefing as much since you essentially know everyone and can assess the guild you want to join.

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in TF2 at the end of the match you get to select from 3 maps to vote for

just implement a system like that

it would also encourage people to stay in the lobby

For the life of me, I wish I could see what people saw in that game because it looks like cod. The tinny gun sounds, the movement, the art style and fidelity, the unnecessary visual clutter, a ui that was designed by split personalities etc.

Take a screenshot of the game when a player is over a gun and the white [F] AK-47 (white ak image) pops up, you’ll swear up and down its a cod spinoff if you’ve never heard/seen xdef.

With all the maps they removed, probably less that five. I despise the skirmish maps the game only makes now, and i have an intense hatred for deathmatch, and koth.

There are actually much bigger things that could make this game great again besides what you mentioned…

  1. Bring back 6v6 (this will fix your balancing issue)
  2. Put more emphasis on MMR working to find balanced matches and less emphasis on quicker que times (this will fix your matchmaking issue 100%)
  3. Unlock Player profiles to Open especially in Comp
  4. Bring back player borders that can be leveled up.
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I love these ideas and have mentioned many of them in different posts. I simply don’t think any of them will happen.

Maybe you and I should be on the Dev team then lol.

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I think just having specific map or game format queues would work better than any voting system since the latter causes unnecessary game start delays. However, these would also work better as arcade queues, much like how 2CP is implemented now.