Thoughts on new patch?

I kinda like the changes, but what are your thoughts and are these in the right direction

(Yes, the title is in the same format as some of my other ones)

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Brig probably needs a bit more shield health, like 250-300.

Sym could probably use some slight buffs/reverts to TP…again…

I agree with both notes. It’s not a tank, but a shield remains a shield.

Symmetra, on the other hand, has to be verified, I feel that the cooldown could be better.

I think there’s going to need to be many more significant balance changes. Just because people are locked into a role doesn’t mean they will play “good” heroes. What if you get a torb one trick against a widow and a bastion?

I think 2/2/2 is great for the game but a lot needs to be fixed before it reaches its full potential

Not to mention the roster is disgustingly uneven in terms of selection. They should of had a mini expansion of new supports/tanks sooner.

It’s horrible, and no.

It’s too early for role queue. They should have evened out the roster first.

I’m worried for the quality of games. Groups seem to break the MM even more and just place them into games that they absolutely mudstomp. Brig looks embarrassingly weak. Moira is more annoying. I think I’ll always be playing tank now. I’m not too happy currently.

I love the changes to tp. I can now set it near spawn to cut walk time yuuuuuusssss

Sometimes the players need to make their own decisions. The devs can help give the game direction, but it’s a game and players can ultimately do what they want and there’s a point where the players need to figure things out on their own.

I really don’t like global ult cost increase :C

I need to have my coalescence all the time :disappointed_relieved: