Thoughts on an off support mercy?

She didn’t.

She didn’t have speed boost and the heals In game from other sources were higher than live


Project somewhere else. I literally said she should keep rez

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Ah ok then, just read the title and assumed another “ Rez op remove it” sry my bad, the point still stands, mercy is fine right now, if problem starts arising they will fix the issue one way or another.


any changes to mercy will fundamentally destroy her. also, why would you want to do that? we barely have enough main healers as it is that are actually viable. she’s perfectly balanced, let her be


There have been a few. It’s a cycle.

Personally, I don’t think so. I was not fond and am not fond of valkyrie and mercy’s dependence on it. In particular, Her valk bug really showed me some issues regarding her heal numbers.

Mercy is in a weird spot, she is neither a main healer or an off healer, but she is ok balance wise, she isn’t too oppressive, she doesn’t heal too much, she doesn’t boost too much damage, she doesn’t Rez too much, she is just average in all of that so ye she is balanced


Yes you are right honestly Valkyrie is just meh…
But I mean it suits mercy fine? And she can fly, yay, I mean it’s ok it’s just a very underwhelming ultimate. But I think it’s better to stay this way, people could complain if they changed her ult again

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yeah i mean, i dont like valk but there really is nothing blizzard can change about her without ruining her or making her vastly overpowered due to the nature blizzard and their reworks

Well firstly. Assuming these changes that I have not said at all will destroy her is fundamentally no offense narrow minded. She is not a main or off support. People say that they want to keep Rez which is an ability that is basically an ult on cooldown. And they say the pocketing is fine, and that valk is underwhelming. So why not make her into an off support. Why not lower healing while add to utility. Why not add more to her kit and add a defensive ult that we also lack. Her healing is single target and is focused on pocketing. Which is more of an off support thing. We can add a new off support while making her kit better and lowering healing. Which to me is fine.
I’m fine with her being a main support. But most of the community disagreed with the changes that would be needed to make her into a balanced main support that isn’t op.

Sorry for the huge rant that this will be, but it had to be done
I will clarify if someone wants me to as some of these arguments aren’t too clear and may be assuming a bit much, but y’know, this is a rant.

It’d never work, she is good right now but not strong, valk is fine right now and you’d can’t “make her ult better while lowering the healing and maybe damage boost” that’d either be a rework or some beam disconnect thing which would make her ult even worse.

No option is clear, you can’t buff DB cause it’d be too good, you can’t buff rez, because it’d be too good, you would have to buff her or else she would be mercy just with less healing, she’d literally be zen with no damage of her own, a worse ult, and an escape ability, and another good ability with different DB mechanics.

To put it out there Rez as an ult with decreased heal overall would be complete garbage. Mercy is fine right now, and this is coming from a mercy main who plays mercy the normal way where you DB a prime, target heal people, rez prime targets. Ex- if a soldier and a rein are on my team I will DB soldier until rein gets in range.

I don’t want a worse mercy just because dps will have to get yet another kill
because someone used a worse playstyle as mercy.

This exactly, she is good right now, valk doesn’t feel too good but it gets the job done, She will become trash or OP

You said lower heal with rez as an ult for an example, that doesn’t strike well for me even if that was just an example as to what she’d have.

I mean there also flank torbs, no one agrees that pocket is the best playstyle besides a widow who saw the mirror widow get rezzed. Valk is underwhelming but it works, It is not instant value, you get the value of it overtime It is a pretty bad ult yes, but it has a lot of uses, it’s versatile, I also don’t want flying zenyatta as a character because look at it this way.

You suggested a defensive ult
Zen has one
You suggested lower healing
Zen has that
You suggested keep DB
Zen has that(but different)
Pretty near zen, she can’t do damage but she can fly, and has rez with like slightly higher heal, sounds like an alternate zen to me

You can’t give direct buffs to her kit, she would be OP, even with the lowered healing, so you might barely buff ult maybe with lowered healing and she’d be garbage.

Like she isn’t main support though, she doesn’t have the heal for that, balance doesn’t meant make her either moira or zen, balance is what she at right now, and she isn’t OP either, Bap, Zen, Brig, and maybe ana are better right now.

Most Important Part
Mercy isn’t OP and mercy mains prefer this state, a lot of them, so slight changes and toning up or down are fine she may need slight toning up and down, but no one wants a rework of mercy, nor is that needed. She’s not that good.

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Yes but zens orb makes an opponent take more damage from the whole team and not a single target. Zens ult is just high healing and no damage boost or anything else. Mercy is problematic with having not being an off or main support. I also disagree with having any hero of any kind having an ability that’s essentially an ult on Cooldown which is unhealthy for the game. You can add to her kit you can make her better and keep her identity. You can make changes that aren’t just healing or db. You can do that while keeping her identity. Current mercy is fine but I feel like she can be more while not being broken.

I know I said “DB but different”
Just because she has a broken ability, doesn’t mean you kill the character.
I would like this if she was to get changed
Rez as ult, Decreased Cast time, one person rez,
Maybe another small buff here or there. But yeah

As I said broken ability not character, bap is broken character imo.

Mercy has an ultimate that reflects the power level of a main healer. If she was to become an off healer, she’d need a defensive ultimate. Perhaps…hmm…a resurrect?

There’s a difference between Mercy and Lucio/Zen and that’s this: Mercy can only ever do one action at a time. Lucio has some opportunity cost in his kit - he has to decide between speed and healing - but Mercy has to either heal or boost or rez or shoot. This means that Mercy will always feel bad if her HPS is too low; I don’t care as Zen that I’m doing 30 HPS because I can throw out Harmony and go back to slamming orbs into people’s foreheads, I care very much if I’m doing 50 HPS because I am doing nothing except trying to heal.

If people really want off-healer Mercy then you’d need to change that. So something like this:

  • LMB/RMB attaches yellow/blue beam to a friendly target, which isn’t broken on weapon swap
  • Weapon swap is now non-existant to minimal
  • Base beam range might need to be upped a bit
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I’ve thought this for a while tbh.

Upon her initial rework I had this glitch where my weapon swap wouldn’t remove my staff. So it looked like the staff just …opened up to fire mercy pellets.

And I thought…“that actually looks way cooler than her tiny pistol”

So I wouldn’t mind her pistol being a third (or fourth per my desires) form of fire on staff…

Or having pistol be a new animation without a “swap” time . She just uses her left hand to pull out and glock a ho


They could absolutely make a murder-staff look cool, and on most skins they don’t put any effort into the pistol anyway.


well said, said everything perfectly

Perfectly said Potato :slight_smile:

50 HPS felt like crap because you were devoting all of your time to doing subpar healing

Something even lower like OP suggests would feel even more horrible

As long as Mercy as to only do one thing at a time she will have moderately high HPS, as Geoff said

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Mercy already is an offhealer, ana mercy and nap mercy exists, and even if moira mercy is suboptimal its still better than Lucio mercy and brig mercy, but Zen mercy is good in dive but not anything else, mercy’s main role is already off healer

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This will make her complete garbage and her pickrate will drop drastically.

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I personally wouldn’t want Mercy to become an off support.