Those experimental patch notes though

Hog ult nerfed
Rein ult nerfed
Sigma actually kinda buffed?
McCree FINALLY has some counterplay potential to flashbang with the stun duration lowered.
Mei nerfed… twice… cause she really needed more nerfs after all the recent ones she got already with absolutely no compensation buff (besides being able to right click a bit more, which is off set by having less ammo after left clicking anyway)
Ana sleep nerf, which was kinda needed, but nothing else.
Brig nerfed even more. Good luck getting any kind of combo out now after shieldbashing anyone. Not even a compensation shield health buff… nice.


maybe stop using brig for combos firstly, and if you dont like it, there is this thing called FEEDBACK

(20 characters)


until they say “but mah damuge”

And not a single change to Sombra or Doomfist. Really disappointed on that front.


Yeah, which i am giving right now.
Brig doesn’t need a combo, but she is supposed to be able to protect her teammates a bit. now she is not even able to bash and whipshot enemies anymore because they simply can dodge it most of the time, even if they get shield bashed before.

true. saw reduced and thought nerf. But it will be better to use now, worse to create space and throw people away, but better at killing.

…Knockback was INCREASED not DECREASED


The patch is amazing. We’re in a straight up CC meta and it feels like you never get to play the game as tank.

But with Rein, McCree, Mei, Ana, and Brig nerfs CC will go down drastically in this meta.

Is there a place to see the notes outside the game?


Okay, thanks.

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Technically, if they are being pushed farther away, its harder to do damage

Okay now I am just really confused. Ignore all my hog comments.

Yes, at the top of the general discussion

LOL FEEDBACK. Hilarious. What’s the point of giving feedback that Blizzard ignores anyway?


hog’s ult is now, probability, worse to kill, since it will launch people out of its range quicker, but this might lead to more envirokills, so he now makes space better with his ult

then why are you even here

Wow, dumb question is dumb. You think forums are for feedback only? So dumb.

Which is what he is doing which also begs to question… what is your deal?

The ult isn’t meant for damage though lol

Yep, I got confused. We will see how it plays out, but I reckon it will be worse