This whole game feels like a contradiction of itself

I don’t understand the map pools one bit.

Nothing makes me want to stop playing more than they same handful of maps. When you play a lot, it gets old quick.

Common Blizzard L


blizz def fell off

harder than genji

Tbh th sms requirement was bs for people who already had the game or that werent able to get a post paid plan

Genji is and was always pretty good in lower ranks. You just need to know how to play him. Most Genji I see get at least 1 or two kills per blade and are able to secure kills outside of blade.
Sombra isn’t that easy, because she takes away the fun for many players, supports being the most obvious ones. Currently, you can fight her off but before that, it felt very unfair to play against her.

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…examples of heroes and how they cannot be countered…? It’s your first point and I’m open to your topic but not if I just have to accept it at face-value…? :thinking:

For point A, this was said in the following blog post prior to Overwatch 2 launching, but this part specifically:

As we build new heroes and balance the existing cast for our new 5v5 PvP experience, we have shifted our hero design approach to allow you to have an impact on your matches with a range of different heroes and strategies. This means reducing the presence of specific hard counters to heroes.

for point B, i’ll use the current game state. Hog is very strong, so players pick Ana to counter him (sleep dart and anti-nade to reduce his vape/save people from hook one-shots). Ana is a pretty hard counter to hog, without a lot of other options that are as effective as she is at doing it - Junker Queen’s anti is on an ultimate, and’s DM is hit or miss with saving people from hook. Hog players then need a Kiriko on their team to cleanse the antis and sleeps, to let them continue to be effective tanks. Kiriko hard counters Ana (and a fair number of other heroes).

you are literally the worst, but somehow, youre actually starting to figure it out, so maybe there is hope for you to stop and actually think about how bad this game is since OW2.

They could have adapted it or changed it, but they just completely ditched it altogether. I dunno, it feels like the trolls won to me in this instance. Verification could have cut down on smurfs, alt accounts, and paid ranking services, but it feels like Bliz just realized that was the bulk of their players or something.

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you are in such a vast minority

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(insert drivel followed by drivel emote here)

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No, as I said before, I am experienced in corporate decision making and you are not. You mistake me understanding things for liking them because YOU don’t understand.

I can hate aspects of this game, and love others.

I can agree with one decision being made and disagree with another.

Talking in absolutes is for idiots.


haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, youre bad at this. You’re 19, and think your freshman year in college is “corporate decision making.” just stick to shilling for Bobby.

Won’t be first time they are being selective like that.

I am more senior than people that you think call the shots like Aaron Keller in a company more similar to the size of Microsoft than Activision Blizzard.

I get paid to talk to kids that are 19 in university about the topics I talk here about.

The very fact you think I like everything about Blizzard because I explained how a corporate thinks about it’s customer-influencer-product relationship tells me you are a child.

If you aren’t a child, then I’m wasting my time speaking to you as it’s too late.

Sombra is pretty easy to counter… In theory.
Just communicate.

And Mei’s ult. And Mei’s wall. And Ana’s anti. And Ana’s Sleep. And Sombra’s Hack. And Sombra’s EMP. And Reins ult. And Dooms ult. And DVa’s ult. And Tracers. This is also just Kiriko.

But don’t worry, there’s no hard counters.

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And this is why i called it quits!

Ana vs Hog, Kiriko vs Ana, Ana vs Doomfist, Sombra vs Ball, Sombra vs Doomfist, Doomfist vs Zenyatta, Pharah vs Junkrat, Widowmaker vs Junkrat, Orisa vs Roadhog, Ramattra vs Orisa, etc.

All examples. I didn’t want to be super expensive in my OP since it was more of a vent than anything, and I’m welcome to people asking if they want me to expand further (thank you for doing that btw instead of just making assumptions!)

FWIW hard counter doesn’t mean no chance of outplaying. But the likelihood of two equally skilled players going against each other in those interactions.

This is exactly what I mean when I say that this game feels like it has no direction. A forum user tried to argue with me about that, but it’s just my opinion based on devs decisions and official info they gave to us.

What we see in the game just doesn’t match with their “new” philosophy.


They probably meant rewarding for themselves. Our mistake for misinterpreting this.