This weeks GM stats prove that REIN is the problem 🦾

Please make sure you read all points, and not just rush to reply:

  1. Zarya isn’t played without him, Her pick rate is complete garbage tier this week, It’s because she’s useless without rein. Rein doesn’t need her though, He didn’t even see much change in pickrate when zarya was banned
  2. Ana is seeing far less play, freaking mercy is about to beat ana IN GM.
    I NEVER thought that would happen without changes to mercy or ana.
  3. The tank role is the most diverse we’ve ever seen, There’s a bit of orisa hog, some ball, double shield, sigma hog, even seeing a good amount of dive in the mix too!
  4. We’re even seeing a more diverse DPS and support role! No hero (except the banned ones) have a less than 0.3% pickrate, Freaking bastion is at 0.32%
    Zens seeing a bit more playing and mercy is seeing tons of play!

It’s time to nerf Rein. Whenever he’s meta every other tank comp that isn’t with rein is made useless because of earth shatter match ups. I’m pretty sure even the devs have noticed this as well.


Personally, I do not think that has ever been contested that Reinhardt is the defacto best all around tank given all the hits to Orisa and Sigma.

It really just comes down to do we buff them or nerf reinhardt.


Is that what overbuff says?

I dont think overbuff has any correct stats, especially about gm


Like Rein affects ana so much, the week before i was doing 64% wr on ana the next week without him lost 100 sr, im glad he is back.
I dont want him nerfed hard though, hopefully they do it in small steps.


I originally thought buff the others too. But after looking at the stats, It’s Rein.
There’s no way it isn’t.

If we fix him, We’ll see a much more diverse meta, Hopefully we’ll see a nerf with CC changes.

I don’t want him ruined either. It’s just that he’s clearly a problem that must be addressed.


Probably is going to get an Earthshatter ultimate charge nerf since there’s an anti-CC patch coming soon.


Yeah it’s a fact that Reinhardt is coming back again as THE tank the moment Orisa is banned instead. So every week it’ll either be Rein banned or another shield tank banned. If the go further down the list than Rein might get multiple weeks unbanned but that’s unlikely.

Next week either Rein will be banned again or someone else, and that’ll determine if it’s Rein comps for one week or two.

I personally think something needs to be done about shatter and his matchups. It’s what makes him the only viable tank pick whenever he’s meta because it’s so easy to just wipe teams without a rein.


Playing literally one game on any other main tank will prove Rein is a problem. The only people who disagree are Rein apologists who don’t want any other main tank in the game at all.


There is another potential thing that can be done which is revert his movement speed buff. The passive he gained and the movement speed buff made it such that he could operate without needing lucio and could work well enough against a great deal of teams regardless of the other tank.

Well, kill his speed and let spam be possible to shove into him and make him feel like Lucio is required to do any work.

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They could knock a couple hundred off his barrier alternatively. I think his Steadfast nerf has already helped, I don’t feel 100% boned if a good Rein gets within melee range anymore. (Unless he’s nano’d)


Maybe a longer cast time on Earthshatter? So enemy players have a wider window to outplay/dodge/stun it instead of needing a barrier to do it. Right now you pretty much have to mirror Rein to block it.


I’d be really interested in seeing/trying something like that!

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Maybe, but we do have official stats. Kind of. The hero pools are drawn on Sunday, after the Overwatch League matches. There, they show the pickrates of each category in the last 2 weeks for high-ranked Competitive Play.

Okay, but ana is still overpowered.


They nerfed every tank around Rein, stop acting like this didn’t happen.

Reinhardt didn’t suddenly get super buffed; the other tanks were nerfed around him. Obviously, the answer is to walk back some of those nerfs.

Why is it always nerfs with the overwatch community, by the way? Why can’t we, at least, TRY buffing other tanks?


Or everyone can shoot Rein.

Or stun him.

Or don’t play in a bunched up group.

Or you can hide behind something when you know he has ES.

Or you can have one person with a defensive ult play out of his range and use that ult when he ults.

I’m just saying, these are all the counters to Earthshatter. We shouldn’t pretend they don’t exist just because we don’t like the skill.


Reinhardt is undoubtedly better than his competition of Sigma and Orisa. The question is then wether he is too strong or they are too weak.


That’s only because Echo is out and Mcree/Widow were both banned, so MercyEcho was meta. Also, it was Ana + Mercy every game. Mercy didn’t replace Ana, she was just played WITH Ana all week.

We know banning Rein doesn’t make Mercy good because they legit banned Rein AND Moira and Ana a few weeks back and Mercy was still the least picked support in GM, with Bap and Brig and Lucio and Zen at the top.

Zen was seeing play because Rein gone means Orisa being meta means double shield which is Bap + Zen for supports. If Orisa is buffed at all Zen will see loads more play. Same with buffing Mercy.

What needs to happen:

Nerf shatter
Buff Orisa shield
Buff Sigma shield by removing it’s delay/CD, nerf his damage range
Buff Winston’s damage versus armor

Buff Mercy
Revert Zen’s discord nerfs
Give Bap 55 HPS

Bam, super healthy meta with tons of viable options for comps.


I too thought Rein was the problem until I discovered I don’t have amnesia and remember three years ago Winston was meta and Rein was absolutely unplayable.

And 7 months ago Orisa was meta and Rein was unnecessary because Sigma was too friggin good with Team synergy comp and a kit that covered a lot of bases.

So maybe just maybe 4 friggin years of imbalance saying one hero is the problem is not the problem.

The way the devs nerfed heroes and changed how OW plays is the problem.

The tanks were never balanced for 222. That’s not Rein any other heroes fault.

If Rein was the problem he would be meta for four years straight. Try to remember how this game has played over the years as well as the fact the balance has been consistently ridiculous.