This Tracer really has it out for me!

Havanna on Defense. I’m fairly new to this map. I’m really glad we didn’t lose this 1. 2CKVAT and here’s the video.


heh well you are widow so but yea beating tracer as widow is very exhilarating. same with sombra

personally i only do it 10% of the time :laughing:

in quickplay i dont care but ill never one-trick widow in comp. maybe on certain maps or segements but ill switch since its basically throwing into divers unless you are a pro widow

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I actually swapped to Sombra earlier tonight. I knew if I stayed on widow I’d be throwing, so I switched. And we won! :smiling_imp:

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A good Tracer will eat Widows for breakfast. My wife and I tried the Mirrorwatch Event mode yesterday, and I found that out the hard way. It was frustrating to be sure. However, it was also a great reminder that there is always a better player.

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The mirrorwatch mode tracer is op has heck thouck. I carried a match on her on oasis, and my aim sucks. The lifesteal is insane.

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A fair point. Still, I know that I am not the best player in the world, and I am humble and cognizant enough to admit that I would not last a day in Competitive using Widow. There are some good Widows out there and some bad Widows.

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As MW Sombra, my best gameplan seems to be to Hack our MW Tracer on cooldown and watch her go to town. I guess slap Virus on their tank to make them do less damage at the same time, but that seems like a distant second priority.

Oh yeah, or hack a reinhardt that’s just lost their shield.
Movement speed boost and an attack speed boost at the same time is quite glorious.

There definitely are. Sometimes they just keep a support from playing altogether.

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I am still struggling with some of the ability changes… Granted, I haven’t played too much of it, but some of the abilities are difficult for me to utilize properly. I’ll keep trying to get the hang of it.

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That’s perfectly normal. At least, I like to think so; I’m in the same boat. MW Echo’s stickies seem terrible to me compared to what they do in the normal game. I’m having so much fun buffing allies with Hack and debuffing enemies with Virus as MW Sombra that I kinda sideline the whole “shoot the enemy to win the game” thing. And MW Brig’s whip acting like a Junker Queen knife has resulted in hilarity, usually at my expense.

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Always remember that no matter how good you are, SOME virgin neckbeard can and will make you look Bronze.

Don’t forget Doom is meta in that mode, with a shield, plus you have to contend with Leroy Jenkins Echo. Anything that isn’t Dive or Zarya gets eaten alive in that mode. Still more fun than the normal game though. I’ll take this Doom being meta over Orisa meta any day.

There I fixed it for you