This Thread is Deleted folks

Welp, thanks for saving me some time then :slight_smile:

agreed. they could use it to force meta, or push people into playing other heros.

no you cant, there isnā€™t enough of a sample size. even so you donā€™t need that to know meta, you can just follow pro play.

you donā€™t need a website for this.

you can follow pro play for meta, and you have literally 0 use for picrates, and winrates, they could only be used for bullying tactics

ā€œyoure picking bastion? he has like a 30% winrate this season swap pleaseā€

no you donā€™t need this. pickrates and winrates donā€™t matter for you, they are only needed by developers for balancing. no other game has this info publicly available.

you donā€™t need it. want an idea of how good a hero is, ask the people you are playing with how good they are with them. these stats have no use for you.

you were on the post of a doomfist main telling me I donā€™t need profiles to build teams, and said I could just ask people who they play and how they play them.

when I argued people lie, you told me that im very distrusting and needed to lear to relax in an extremely condescending tone. I remember you quite well and love how all your arguments are starting to crumble when youre asking for stats.

All of this text wasted after finding out about a law. Sorry mate. Maybe next time. :sweat_smile:

I didnā€™t know this, you learn something new every day.

He remembered that I am an advocate of private profiles as well. He is probably keeping a list and checking it twice. Do not expect a Christmas cardā€¦ Ha ha ha.

Dope database or dope memory. Either is good.

Iā€™m confused as to what happened here.

or I just have a good memory? its not that hard. names are pretty unique on the forums. I can even remember past icons people used. you had magician symmetra for a while as an example

Deleted the thread after finding out about a law.

Someone told me about this law.

Could you explain?

they were saying that overwatch needed to make a stats website because websites like overbuff arenā€™t reliable anymore do to private profiles

And then I found out that private profiles were issued because of a lawā€¦ RIP thread.

I wish we could view stats on those sites but not look into the profiles themselves.

I was joking, fam. Personally, I find it extremely difficult, but my memory is Bastion tier. That being said, I honestly do not believe this law applies in the way people seem to believe it does. I have seen this as the de facto reason against sharing ā€œinformationā€ but I believe people are just jumping to conclusions and in all likelihood that has absolutely nothing to do with it. The developers even stated they would change it if the demand was popular enough. Unfortunately, most people who received toxicity loved the feature once it came through.

I agree, you sign a user agreement when you play the game, im sure somewhere in it there is a clause about agreeing to letting them track and display your stats.

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We resigned that agreement when the private profiles were put in place. :slight_smile: I think I was even forced to re-log in to my battle net client or my Overwatch instead of auto-log in as well, but I may be remembering that incorrectly.

I believe in Necromancy.

So I will be back in about a weekā€¦


even still. if they were doing private profiles because of a law, they could write a clause into the user agreement that says
ā€œI consent to you tracking and publicly displaying my statsā€

law complied with, and that takes a lot less man hours than the private profile system they have in place.

Thatā€™s where defaulting to private comes in, that clause is the making your profile public again by actively doing so, and the ability to change it as removing that consent.