This patch will kill the game

No it will not. I’m sorry.


I no longer have to play Orisa is what you’re saying? Queue times: :chart_with_downwards_trend:


Simpler than that.

Temporarily putting double barrier in the trashcan until after OWL starts back up.

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Oh ye of little faith…
(Like myself)

I foresee large Tanks, that cannot be killed so easily.

I agree, if they end going with something that limits teams to one anchor tank per team.

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One Tank per team… and Tanks will be large and in charge.

The non-barrier Tanks will be given compensation to body-block easily, while the barrier Tanks will be given major buffs to their healthpools.

I believe this is why.

But what if it was simpler than that, and it was one Sigma/Rein/Orisa per team.

But with mega buffs for those heroes.

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Ehh, i don’t like it at all.
The Devs don’t want to restrict the Tanks that badly, i don’t think.

And what do you think of my assessment of the changes?

Man, just the rule by itself would fix double barrier. I would take that every single day of the week instead of gutting Orisa and Sigma. Hell, it’s going to be one Sigma/Rein/Orisa per team now! Just a Rein. Every game.

Makes sense. I was figuring before the barrier nerfs they would either nerf their Damage or their Peel.

Instead they went with the route of making them both halfMainTanks-halfOffTanks.

And i believe this is the precursor to a major patch… Tanks will be massive walls of “This is my area”

Could be. But I’m worried that will end up being “pick the right tank or we lose”.

I have a feeling that it will rather be DPS complaining (A lot) About how strong the main Tank will be.

“All three of us can’t work together, wahhh”

While the Tank sits there taking space and smacking people with hammers when they get too close.

Mei’s will have to be very very… careful.

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Guess what?
Rein,Winston, Dva are like 50 times more fun for majority of the tank players.

With Reaper, Mei and Hanzo nerfed, you’ll see Winston and Dva being played more. But if you liked playing Orisa and Sigma, well, bad news you’ll drop ranks like yo yo.


I agree in some regard.
I think the ones commonly referred to as offtanks will start to get more play after these changes which is a good thing for the game in the end as those heroes are extremely popular with the playerbase and were not used previously due to perceived weakness vs having a big ol’ shield.

But they also nerfed hanzo’s tank busting ability…

The reason not a lot of people pick tank is because Orisa and sigma are literally the only tanks right now

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I agree, toning down tank busters and making winston rein and dva feel more viable than sigma/orisa seems like a good change for the game.


So because tank players are in a minority they shouldn’t be nerfed? Orisa needed a nerf, maybe after this patch we’ll finally have a variety of tanks we can choose from instead of being forced into orisa all the time.

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And Reaper, and McCree.

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