End of the tanks

hopefully nerfs to the strongest tank in the game. uhm uhm I mean bruiser dps, Zarya.

I feel bad for orisa tbh because I already though her kit was fairly dry, but now her combo is harder she does less damage and fortify less often.
Although she needed nerfs I definately will he scratching her off my play list :frowning:

At this point we should just eliminate the tank role altogether.

Tanks can’t do their job because the forced meta shift patches are too extrme, dps has been overtuned (to counter triple support and triple tank) while heals and damage mitigation is being scaled back left and right.

This is bs and the game is going in a terrible direction. Damage needs nerfs now.

A little dramatic given the current live patch is great and we don’t know how this next patch will change the game yet

Reinhardt is literally the most used hero in the game at the moment

He has 4x Mei’s pickrates

Zarya is also a very used tank, and has 2x Mei’s pickrates

Even in GM, the ONLY rank where Mei is a meta hero, Hammond is used just as much as she is

Soooooooo yeah

No no, don’t take it at face value… the nerfs and changes seem random at first, but look at it this way…

Firstly, you need abilities not to shred Tanks as badly when they’re super buffed, so you start with these… Hanzo would struggle a little more.

Mccree is a prime example.
Firstly, he doesn’t currently struggle against Tanks, but after they’ve been turned into Raid bosses, he wouldn’t need to shred them, or be shred too easily by them. He would need to fire slightly slower, but be a little beefier himself, as he puts himself in greater danger facing them head on, especially facing a solo Tank.

Again, they want to give these super Tanks a chance… a balanced chance, while also allowing Reaper to still be a counter.

These changes seem random, yes?
Firstly, with how hard to kill they would be on their own, she wouldn’t need to deal so much raw damage, so it’s been lowered and kept in check.

Secondly, Fortify would still be extremely strong on a stronger Orisa, but i believe they even have plans for it outside of that, meaning it would need a longer cooldown.

And thirdly, HALT would be extremely strong against more spread out teams, and against solo Tanks, meaning it had to be reeled in a little.

Again, it follows the pattern.
Firstly, when stronger he would need his range reeled in a little, to make it more fair all around.

Secondly, as the solo Tank his ultimate would be extremely powerful, thus it needed to have it’s interactions sped up a little to encourage actual counter play.

And thirdly, a massively powerful Tank would be genuinely slightly OP with a combo that outright killed lower health targets, i believe Mccree is meant to also help further counter Sigma in this new design.

And finally, it fits the pattern again…

Baptiste’s overall DPS would be largely impactful alongside three other DPS, thus it is reeled in, while his healing output is tempered a little so he struggles slightly more healing wide-spread teams and the main Tank.

I rest my case.

Dive may have a role in what is to come, but not be the center of attention.
Winston may even be scary with a large buff.


I honestly think healing is only slightly stronger after this PTR patch than when Overwatch first launched at this point. I do think all the damage heroes who were power crept should be toned down if Blizzard want to keep nerfing every viable tank and support into the ground.


Not from an argumentative standpoint but if your are specifically looking for a pattern to fit a certain end goal it isn’t terribly hard to do for what you’re saying or just for the balance that the game just currently needs right now.
I’m not saying you are right but I’m not saying you’re wrong either.
It’s too early to know for sure but regardless of the outcome it’s another patch that I’m overall happy with more than I hate.
I personally like the dual tank dynamic over solo tank, so if they were to go solo tank I want to be able to make dps players whine in the forums :stuck_out_tongue: make me a TANK.

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The tank queue is going to be tiny now. It’s basically obligatory Reinhardt from here on in.

I hope the DPS enjoy their less barriers when they get into a match in 2022.

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This is why i think they changed what they did… why they gave us a warning about the next dev update.

Something BIG is coming.

In all honesty their main goal right now is to reduce dps queue times (balance is ongoing and always will be).
The only way to reduce dps queues without incentivizing is to remove a tank slot.
You can’t remive a healer slot because solo heal dynamic won’t work with 3dps 2 tanks.
It would not surprise me either to not see solo tank and see an entirely new game format that no other game has ever used.
Blizzard LOVES developing brand new features in their games so we could potentially still see 2-2-2 with a feature that no one sees coming.

Or the 3-2-1 they’ve been testing for so long… i don’t believe they would have kept on it if they didn’t intend to at least test it on the PTR.

Which i believe fits my earlier assessment.

Theyve openly discussed that it creates just as many problems as it solves though.
I tend to lean towards brand new never before seen content… which would be BIG in the gaming world. Also I would prefer some new age something never before seen… seems like fun.

I genuinely believe they wouldn’t have tested it for so long internally if they didn’t intend to use it somehow, or even attempt to use it.

Well Jeff did state that they decided to do a two month commitment to it instead
Of giving it no time.
It was more to truely test it to determine if it was the direction they wanted to go and less that they were for sure doing it because it was such a long test.

So just because it was a long test does not necessarily make it a guarantee. They just didn’t want to approach the idea half-a.

Are you really comparing tank vs DPS pick rates ?
Tanks should have 2x the pick rate of DPS as they have 1/2 the roster.

I think we’re about to enter an era of Tank GODS and DPS having to actually use strategy for once.

I wouldn’t doubt a hamster nerf. But yeah, feels like tanking is just becoming more and more miserable

It’s been the “end of tanks” every time they’ve been nerfed.

At this point, I’ll believe it when I see it. And if it does end up being too far, then they’ll certainly be revisiting them.

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Because clearly Mei is making them all so unplayable