This month in GM (Sym post.)

Doomfist, Reaper, McCree, Hanzo and Widowmaker have higher pickrates than Symmetra.

Doomfist and Widowmaker have a higher winrate than Sym, Reaper’s is equal, Hanzo’s is just slightly less.

…What’s with the clown balancing?

Look, I don’t disapprove of nerfing turrets and photon barrier per se, but the context that it’s being done in is so blatantly biased and odd. There are more problematic heroes than Sym and she’s a symptom of the meta, who is already not a part of it since the beam re-adjustment.

Add in the push for dive to return (which is Sym’s weakest meta) and we’re just… no.

She needs compensation buffs before she becomes F tier.


and there are still heroes who have worse pickrates:

  • mei
  • soldier
  • sombra
  • ashe
  • genji
  • torb
  • bastion
  • pharah
  • tracer
  • junkrat

stop acting like symmetra is absolut hot garbage when she is not.
the one who is being biased here is you.


She will be hot garbage.

Also just because other heroes have problems doesn’t mean Sym can’t? Like? Is every topic supposed to be about every given thing? This is a Sym thread, why don’t you go post about any of those other heroes you’re concerned about?


We don’t call it F tier anymore.

We call it Sombra tier.

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Every time the stars align and Sym finally becomes good in some way the balance team are just like GROUND SLAM INTO THE DIRT “STAY WHERE YOU BELONG” and then Sym cries and i cry and Sombra cries cause Sym and Sombra are best friends irl.


honestly reaper is in a much better position than sym in every way and people adore him and call him high skill etc when compared to sym.

moira, whos by far the top pick in the whole game now barely got nerfs. but sym? nerf after nerf.

on top of that both reaper mains and moira players constantly make fun of symmetra, like their characters needed any effort to play as to begin with LOL

had a moira player to call me fa***** the other day. these people


I’m confused as to why people seem to be more genuinely upset that Symmetra may, in the future, become bad once the meta shifts. Meanwhile, heroes like Soldier and Sombra have been genuinely awful with no real hope of changing that for ages, and nobody seems to care.

Balancing for future metas just seems pretty unrealistic for what Blizzard is capable of.

Almost as if more than one hero in this game needs help. Stop trying to derail this thread.

Symmetra doesn’t need help though. She may need help in the future. Right now she is an upper tier damage hero. I’m sorry that we can’t buff your favorite hero so that she’ll be good forever and ever, but balance doesn’t work like that.

What is the point of this thread if not to argue whether or not she needs buffs? Someone disagreeing with you and giving reasons for it is not “derailing”.

Blizzard have an agenda when it comes to Doomfist and heroes like that creature.
Unfortunately, Symmetra doesn’t meet that agenda and therefore is nerfed and put to uselessness.

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right now, sym is legit bastion and old sym levels of niche because of the tp cd nerf that took away the ability to adapt tp positioning and usage to the situation and took away sym’s only method of engaging the enemy on her own (a luxury that every other dps hero has and take for granted).

sombras have been pretty vocal from what I’ve seen. but for soldier idk, why don’t you go ask the soldier mains ._. generally speaking soldier’s individual balance hasn’t been so red flag terrible compared to the usual suspects over the history of ow and neither has he had a large stigma around them to give rise to them being particularly vocal. and tbh, I think people don’t make much noise because they consider him to be THE generalist dps of the game and inherently doesn’t have anything to particularly stand out for.


Why do Sym mains say clown so much?

I just love how the new TP is so bad that enemies are intentionally not destroying it so that when she revives it’ll still be stuck on cooldown. The lack of forethought in design decisions is hysterical.


Who cares about Symettra ?

We should be able to destroy it while dead if they’re keeping this abomination of a cooldown

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Actually her pickrate in GM is 0.77% right now.