This might actually be the season OW dies

People been memeing about OW being dead for a long time, but this is probably the season where you see a significant dropoff.

IMO adding new characters is exciting for a little while, but the problem is the game has become too convoluted with so many characters and in order to keep characters relevant powercreep has drastically reduced the skill ceiling and competitiveness of the game.

Console OW especially is a joke rn, every game is just sym and zarya destroying with beams. You don’t have a sym but they do? GG. healer mains playing DPS in GM because they have no penalty to the SR they actually care about? GG. And this isn’t even mentioning the absurd amount of CC in the game that has plagued the game for a while.

At this point I’m convinced the game has become too over-saturated with characters for them to effectively balance it. They need a total re-haul in order to get the game back into shape. OW2 is the only thing I have hope in. Thats their chance to make a balanced game again.

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I haven’t bought a console in a bit. Didn’t Sony/Microsoft use to charge companies to release patches for their platform’s games? If they still do that, I can understand why Bliz haven’t pushed out the beam nerf patch yet, even if I don’t like it.

Check this thread out:

2-2-2 will be a death blow, restricting everybody on whom they choose. This includes new heroes.

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Overwatch is not dying
If devs want’s players back they should make more good stuff often rather then release stuff in this big interval.

Now they don’t want to revert GOATS nerfs so I’m taking break from Doomfist watch.

Here we go again…


It’s just yet another iteration of “hey, we’re balancing for a patch you aren’t playing on yet.”

You’ll be left feeling like the game’s almost there, just a few common sense tweaks and it’ll feel great - yet those little changes are nowhere to be found and they’ll probably be met with yet another curveball that completely confuses everyone and catapults one or two heroes into the limelight.

Which is okay, because the next hero that won’t hit the game until two months after that patch will fix that problem! And then it will repeat.

Jokes aside, aside from the way it’s felt to me like they’ve been balancing the game like that since launch, it’s more fun to me now than it has been in a long time. There are still a lot of problems and I’m disappointed with them but I’ll hold my expectations until blizzcon though, I guess. After all that is what Jeff said they’re in “heads down” mode for a while back.

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I mean if we had piercing shot double shields wouldn’t nearly be as big of a problem. It’s just the balance team deleted sym and we lost the healthiest counter to shields in this game

This game was a 10/10 then The balance team attacked

You should rename yourself to GrumpyRogue.
New heroes keep the interest in the game.

OW was never popular on consoles t begin with.

None of these are new heroes.

I don’t think you read my full post. Like I said before, its not just the new heroes by themselves, but the impact they’ve had on the rest of the roster forcing Blizzard’s hand in buffing them to keep them relevant to the point that powercreep has caused many of these problems.

I’m already drifting towards other games. If there’s no big follow up announcement on Blizzcon for OW (no a new map / hero reveal ain’t gonna cut it) I’m pretty much losing faith unfortunately. :frowning:

With or without new heroes, changes are going to be made when the ppl are discovering new things and are leaning to one or another meta.
Heck, most of the meats aren’t event caused by new heroes.

Also this game will never be balanced because is fundamentally flawed.
While hard counters exists, people will always see their counters as OP.

Overwatch has been “dead” since broken triple tank Ana.

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I wonder about that. I keep seeing PC players complaining about excessive queue times exceeding 10 minutes (even in QP), but even dps players are getting games in under 3 minutes on PS4 (US). Seen a lot of console friends back on Overwatch lately as well. Hopefully they’ll stick around.

Overwatch is a game. And like other games (except cs) its gonna lose playerbase.
We have cs, fortnite, all the battle royale games etc etc.
Overwatch need to be special, and whats special with overwatch is the synergy between dps, tanks and healers.
Overwatch is gonna do just fine, bc there are no other games with this synergy

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Yeah, it’s weird to read pages of “Sym is unusable garbage” complaints on the forums and then see her melting people in every comp game in the same day.

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More people are enjoying current OW than hating it.
Its just that the small minority that hate it are the ones coming to the forums to whine and complain. The Majority are playing the game happily. Not everyone that plays this game comes to the forums. Its only a small % of players that actually post here.

I actually don’t mind 2-2-2 but to me the game has problems that go far past that. I still enjoy playing my main role (which is tank) in this meta far more than bunker, however I acknowledge that the state of the game balance wise is not very good at all.

Also I would disagree that its a “small minority”. Obviously any kind of evidence on this matter is anecdotal, but in my experience playing the game many people express their frustration with double/triple barrier and symmetra/beams in general being so dominant.

Oh looks its the tenth time OW is about to die.


OW has already been dead on the inside for a long time now. lol!

If I had half of a penny every time someone said OW is about to die I would have a mass of copper and zinc that would have significant gravitational pull.

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