That button comes at the cost of being out of the match to heal and can’t move. Most good Mei players use it as a bait more then to actually heal.
4 seconds OoF vs 2 hp bars and 4 seconds immortality. Yes, the cost is really balanced.
That 4 seconds out of fight can really make a difference
We get two more icicles at the cost of half our freezing capacity. Woo-hoo, I’m leaping with joy -_-
If you say so, I have no idea why it’s so crazy to make the block breakable. A bit of counter play would be nice.
It’s crazy cause you’re adding to the pile of nerfs she got already, you would have to give her a compensation buff or two.
Those 4 seconds gives your team time to move up and get better positions
It doesn’t really need counterplay, it’s 4s of her being unable to do anything except cancel the ability.
And the reason she gets a pile of nerfs is because she does everything too well. She has the best shield, best sustain, and the best CC in the game.
Did you even do some research?
- It’s an invulnerability ability. It’s designed to be to make the player immune to damage and CC.
Other invulnerability abilities in the game are:- Reaper’s Wraith Form
- Moiras’s Fade
- It doesn’t fully heal. It heals only 150HP over a span of a few seconds.
- The healing is a trade-off compared with other invulnerability abilities:
- Repair
- becomes invincible.
- move faster.
- reloads.
- Moira
- becomes invincible.
- move fatser.
- becomes invisible.
- Mei
- become invincible.
- becomes a static object that can block LOS.
- heals 150 hp.
- Repair
Mei is a close range hero with no mobility. What does she has in return? High survivability. This is why she has cryofreeze.
It’s mostly wall and Blizzard. The threat of multi-freeze is more impactful than the skill itself, at least in league. The way they play has to be different when Mei is on the field to prevent freezes but she doesn’t actually multi-freeze that often.
That ‘best’ shield got major nerfs, her sustain forces her in one place and that CC took a hit with a ammo nerf…
If we are going to nerf over kits then where’s Genji and Tracer nerfs?
Lmao why you think tracer and genji need nerfs?
I don’t, but if they want to nerf Mei again cause of her kit then those heroes should get nerfs for how strong their kits is as well.
Not really.
The problem with Mei is multifreeze with a pretty long range for its power.
And this change will do pretty much nothing.
That you have to reload earlier after doing your multifreeze makes no real difference, because if you already had killed 3 of the enemy team it does not matter if you have to reload.
Removing multifreeze and/or reducing the range of the beam would be the solution.
This change feels almost as useless as the Tracer range increase.
Apparently not being an oppressive ice witch with the lowest skill ceiling ability for its value and channeling her value into a more skill-oriented ability is making her “worse”.
Nah m8, any time the design puts more power into skillful gameplay, it’s an improvement.
Go find a practice mode for your rclicks
I’m okay with this change. Devs are ignoring what makes mei so strong so keep going I guess.
This is the thing. Creating isolation is fine, but being able to dish out cc on said isolated character on her own is a problem. Momentary aggresion is completely prevented by the existance of that character because the threat of BOTH combined.
I mean… that’s her kit… of course that’s why people play her
I’m fine with the spray being nerfed more right clicks is better.
The change reduces her “oppressive” spray and gives more to her “skill shot” on M2.
Also can we stop pretending that Mei is an issue outside of OWL? her stats are horrible with less than 2% pickrate across all ranks (along with other heroes). Also stop pretending you see her in all your matches, you statistically dont.
Nerf her more and she goes back to the bottom to hang with bastion and sombro.
Right. It’s not as simple as “ice wall is on cd, let’s push,” like it was pre-multi freeze. You could help each other by body blocking to prevent a freeze as you pushed in when it was on CD before. The threat of multi-freeze gets way more value than the freeze itself imo.
Like realistically, nobody at any level of play is getting a ton of multi-freezes. So they should remove it. The actual ability itself is low value and the threat it generates isn’t healthy.