she objectively has been nerfed yet you’re arguing “she’s more viable now than before”.
she objectively has very poor tools to get uptime of which she objectively needs the team to fill the gap for her to get uptime, that or the enemies being bad, of which is already an objectively poorer standing compared to other heroes.
and I’m pointing out how the vast majority of heroes are vastly more self sufficient than sym is being balance to
i.e. to spell it out for you, I’m pointing out how the degree of self sufficiency that most other heroes are being balanced to (even the supports and “utility dps”) are a lot higher than sym.
right here
lucio is a counter example as he has mobility to catch people in his aura range. moira was a counter example before the nerfs for similar reasons. bap’s a counter example as he has range to compensate his lower mobility to heal, dps, lamp, etc., and there’s more counterexamples.
all of them have the niche of grouped up comps, but no way is that niche narrow/strict, no way are they so dependent for respective jobs uptime like sym is for hers. no way do they perform as bad as sym outside of dedicated grouped up comps, and are much more generic and applicable overall because they can get uptime for their respective jobs themselves more.
and this is just talking about the niche of grouped up comps. not even going into other niches yet.
the point remains, the vast majority of heroes are being balanced to a higher standard of self sufficiency, regardless of what their niche is e.g. even if they are designed to be grouped up.
nice work at strawmanning and going off on a tangent when then point being made is how widow, as an example, is capable of getting into her effective ranges and angles for uptime on her own.
that’s disingenuous as they’ve never actually provided anything reasonable to her in her previous iterations
her iterations before 3.0 literally didn’t have any tools to get uptime herself. at best one could argue her old shield was half a solution.
her iterations post 3.0 had the self sufficiency tools in design, but literally never had decent numbers and they even went backwards with the design direction with infinite tp nerf.
like no they haven’t managed to do it before if they’re blatantly self sabotaging themselves, that or they’re just incompetent.
seriously, wtf are you on about? please elaborate.
infinite tp is objectively a nerf.
it’s a massive nerf on effective down time as easily demonstrated by the following text art diagram:
it’s a huge nerf on flexibility as not only does it take waaaay longer to move tp to another spot or re-purpose it, the amount of options per cast is lower because you need to be more binary about whether you’re going to use it again or not.
i.e. in the top timeline in the diagram above, tp is still technically in the “ability down time” portion (except for the last 2s) which you can still have a choice to re-engage or whatever use case. that’s not the case for current infiniite tp timeline as once it’s down (i.e. destroyed), you’re stuck where you are until you get tp back (or if the team decides to pocket you out of there).
and all this flexibility, cast frequency and lower effective downtime lost for what? so the team can more easily track where tp is because it’s not going anywhere, despite HUD indicators and how it’s literally a bright blue opaque oval on their screen. and the use cases are at best the very same ones prior to the nerf.
you wanna know how much tp uptime/duration was needed for this pro TP play:
it was pretty much 10s of tp being up. you wanna know what else was 10s? old 3.0 tp duration.
and that’s on the long side of team tp strats. pretty much all the tp strats OWL has used don’t require tp being up for long. most of them are just for a quick rotation, and that’s it.