This is why OW is hard to balace

Because heroes have very distinct identities for an online pvp game. So, people identify themselves with the heroes or just emotionally being invested in them.

Players can make very well-structured threads, explaining why certain heroes are influencing the game badly (mercy, sombra, hog (before nerfs) widow) and there’s never a discussion about this, nor a debate. All that happens is that mains of these heroes just come and insult the OPs and massively false flag, silencing opinions that criticize their favourite heroes. Nowhere, not in a single platform we have healthy discussions about heroes and their balances. (Some OPS also exaggerate problems with heroes too, not denying that).

For example, a healthy debate would look like this: (WE NEVER have these btw).

Person A, “I think Sombra’s identity is fun, but she creates too much annoyance while not being effective herself.”
Person B, “I understand, but the game should have an option like that. In some cases, the enemy is way too hard to infiltrate, and Sombra is good for that.”


Person A, “I think Sombra’s identity is fun, but she creates too much annoyance while not being effective herself.”
Person B (with sombra portrait), “Lol, learn the game, scrub.”
Person C (with sombra portrait), “No, it’s just you can’t counter her. Here’s the encyclopedia page about how to counter Sombra.”
Person D, “How dare you, I just bought a skin on my waifu, and now you want me to quit? REPORT.”

My bud got banned twice (and unbanned after manual review) for Ana threads.

If we were able to provide meaningful discussion and good opposite points to each other, devs would have opinions to see and consider. But we never do. All we do is get emotionally invested in our favourite heroes and try to defend it at the cost of our dignity. As players, we just want our hero to be the top.

In other words, as a community, we fail to provide valid and constructive cases of debates that would be useful to take a look at.

In Fortnite, people discussed the change of shotguns and smg’s and talked about the game’s overall health. But in OW2, we defend 5v5 because we are dps mains. We don’t have collective thinking of improving our own game. Because Fortnite players care about the game being well-playable (and also tik tok dances). But we care about my main doing 9 damage instead of 8.

Just like Genshin impact. It’s impossible to argue with Genshin players for the exact same reasons. Because, “what do you mean nerf [insert genshin character name here]? Then why I bought 4 body pillows then! REPORT.”

Huge portion of OW players do not want balance or fair gameplay or healthy gaming environment. They want their favourite hero be OP or strong.


To be completely fair, I have had this conversation with a few Sombra players. I do believe she is a great option to have in Overwatch and respect her unique identity. I also feel her design is a bit unhealthy and she needs a rework that will reduce her annoyance factor WHILE ALSO INCREASING HER VIABILITY.

There is definitely a way. But whatever. I have since accepted that Sombra players prefer this design and I am no longer a Sombra player myself. Therefore, my opinion is not particularly relevant these days.

I have no dignity. It’s fine to defend Reinhardt even if I actually agree with the criticism against him. I lose nothing.


Thankfully. That’s my favorite part. Albeit, if you are talking about Neuvillette spin to win, I would have been fine with that because it is blatantly an unintended feature. But you want to nerf him just because daddy is on top? Hell nah! Leave Neuvy alone!!!

I am not even sure what I want to be honest. I really, truly have no clue.

Seriously, OW and Genshin players are almost the same. “LEAVE SOMBRA ALONE.”

A mug of beer has never hurt anyone.

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i just watch the mayham from afar as a ball otp

people say hes op, people say hes bad, but chazm is still top 1 tank

if anything its just a testament to hero design, skill, and patience; something inspiring me to live up to as i play ow


Yeah chazm is insane, i dont see how anyone can stop his ball without having a huge team dif

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Balancing isn’t hard. Sticking with a good methodology on both balance and hero design is.

Balance is more tied to risk/reward ratio. Folks would go to lower risk and decent/good reward. Which means that those heroes requires, either more risk or less reward or both.

At same time, on hero design they should focus on what they want to do with the said hero.

Example of risk / reward.

Mobility should imply on less damage or less survivability or both. Depending on how much Mobility and how much is their goal with that said Mobility.

That’s a good hero design methodology. Balance wise you can look overperformers and adjust their risks/rewards.

The example of sombra. If the goal is to be stealthy and annoying. Her cooldowns and abilities should be longer but at expense of less hp or/and damage. Meaning, her hack effects being longer, her fade time and translocator have more animation time creating more vulnerability window. Paired with less overall damage, which her damage is not low by any means.

That way you preserve the hero identity of stealthy and annoying. While increase the risk due more counterplay and increase the reward by disrupting for longer time, but at same time reducing reward by reducing her overall damage on burst, but improving her lethality overtime. That or simply reducing her hp while not changing much on damage basis, or simply fine tune both adjustments to not be too harsh on both situations.

Lol truth.

Meanwhile I just want a global physical damage buff.

Ex-Xinyan main.