This is the worst this forum has ever been

I remember that like it was yesterday lol. Another user mentioned the Mercy Main Raid above too. That truly was a rough time here.


Yeah, and the crazy part of it was Blizzard was all “this is fine” during it.

It was so crazy. I couldn’t believe it at the time.

The “this is fine” meme was practically created for those times on the forum. Pizza delivery guy is pretty close.


Oh heck i was so busy remembering i hadn’t started reading yet xD

My bad. All these memories feel like yesterday but were years ago now.

Like, you gotta heck up really bad to make the mercy mains mad, repeatedly.


Must have missed the mercy rework and brig launch, this is nothing.


They did again later, but in a much more subtle way, which was funny as hell. Remember when we had hero bans?

The reason they stopped was Mercy was banned, and the mains just didn’t play that week.

Blizzard was like “oh no! this is not good” and removed that system because of it.

Literally The Mercy mains killed hero bans in a week. It wasn’t even a planned thing, it was just like “we can’t play Mercy, so we don’t play”. And blizzard see the “players for the week” and goes, oh, we can NOT afford for this to happen again.

The next week, heroes bans just were just GONE.


I came on the forum to talk with people about game strategies and news,

Now I am arguing everyday and I am sour.

I wish I could come back at my initial state, and hope I will.


Bad games have toxic forums. This falls on Blizzard for making poor decisions and not communicating well. Overwatch 2 is a textbook example for all developers on how not to make a sequel. There’s no faster way to kill a successful game than turning it into F2P live service corporatized filth.


Ah ok!

Make a thread, heroes strats for X (where X is something you play) people will join in.

The forum is what you make of it.


But I’m basically a softcore troll :pensive: the most discussion I generate is through controversy, telling lies, or something icky nasty like the “which hero tastes best roasted on a spit” thread

My wholesome moments are rare

I even insulted the mods quite directly after a particular ban people weren’t happy about (which I’ll admit I regret) and it got a lot of traction and I didn’t even get actioned for that one

Forum mods are an enigma, can’t get a good read on em… but I know my day will come and it will likely take me by surprise and not when I’m trying to test boundaries


This is the kind of mental refresh we all need.

Me too, Homie.

I don’t - “dElEtE bRiG!” - know what you’re talking about.


Hog Obviously. Unless you take it in a different, more unsafe for work direction.

But the forums are surprising, there is a lot of good conversation where I have had to sit back and really think about how game design is, and what the stats mean.

I love the place, and the people, and honestly, I really like the game as well, for all I am like “these are problems which can’t have solutions in it” - I mean all games have those.


Now see this makes me want to post the thread again but lightning never strikes the same guy twice or something

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This is entirely Blizz fault.

They alienated the base and mismanaged the game.

The subsequent crap flinging is the logical conclusion.


I agree with this.

I think we (as a collective group) have to be better than this.

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Sometimes i wonder what happened to some users.

RichC, Titanium, Yourself (whom i should just DM but am pretty sure they wont return till zarya is viable).

Others still pop up time to time.

I remember finding you in 2 different games at 3am a few months back and my duo “LoveElephant” asked about you for weeks after xD She called you “RoboFriend”.

I also found Fragehardt on Dorodo and asked if it was “Forum Frage” and got a yes :smiley:

I was even wound up around then, i really like bans in games (dota and paladins comp) and I even couldn’t stand blizzards system.

Bless those mercy mains.

I will make another D’Va cat in MS Paint again soon, maybe that will help you :slight_smile:

I just gotta find the right photo.

This is high on my list (, but i just can’t get it right.


It was unlikely to be me, there is a lot of RobotWizards out there since it is a default name if you don’t select one. But if it WAS this account, it was likely my wife you saw on it, since she took the account to be her own (pink mercy being on it has a lot to do with that…)

I know right? They killed hero bans, and we didn’t even have the good graces to thank them for it.

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Being honest I totally forgot new hero will be on the pass. But I would just ignore the shill or doomer gig.

Oh wait, my mind is currently focused on Ice Hockey being back. That’s probably why💀

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Oh that makes me a bit sad and a bit happy someone poor random got our attention for a hour xD


It will :smiley:

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I’m happier for it, you had 2 RobotWizards which you made their lives better :slight_smile:

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