This is peak ignorance for me

there was a thread asing for a female black hero and people were saying ana and stuff and I guess OP wanted to give some insight

  • symmetra, pharah and ana *

all good looking attractive woman to me dont care what their skin color :stuck_out_tongue:

And here come the almighty flag warriors of justice

its odd because the definition of black fluctuates everywhere, even in the villiage my family is from


They sure are ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Look OP I know the lack of knowledge around here is kind of embarrassing, like you said…

But thos post just isn’t gonna work out, its gonna get messier and messier. I would just abandon it if I were you

:man_shrugging:I just want to explain to whoever I can reach before it evaporates. IDRC if the thread poofs or I get a punishment - it needs to be said.


so far only 3 idiots have shown up on this post, surprised its not more tbh


I’m a little confused. Why do people care about a character’s race?


You’re a brave one. Live with honor, die with glory


Hope I’m not one of them because we had a little clash🥺

give it time that will change

well I can see why people would want some representation, its always pretty cool to see your own cultures and others in something especially like a video game, which has been dominated by mostly men for awhile

its a similar argument to entertainment, since OW is story driven in a world it makes little sense to not have such a large group of people interact in the OW world, considering sojurn was literally in the first cinematic trailer

I have some other gripes myself like the fact that the sub saharan african map isn’t even an actual country, its just complete fantasy whereas every other country is not


:joy: you know you are…

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why is black equated to countries on here…

its like me saying saying rein is german and you telling me hes not…hes white


did we? i dont remember responding to your posts

You can be German and white or German and black. Race and nationailty are different.

I’m talking about the ethnicity of these heroes.


“Dps not grouping up”

What if we just enjoy heroes for how cool they are :sunglasses:

People care about them being mis represented, you wouldnt call mei japanese or tracer ugandan?

ah, i honestly forgot i made that post

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I mean I wouldn’t care if someone called tracer a different nationality (coming from a U.K. resident)