This is my EVERY game

It’s never even close. The two teams are ALWAYS mismatched. Best six players on one team, worst six players on the other. EVERY. SINGLE. GAME. And I’m talking FIVE YEARS here. THOUSANDS of games. Every one JUST LIKE THIS. Z3PK2T


W + M1 is usually easy win as Tank / Dps, some heros requires also that you click enemyteam members heads. Also not dying ( use walls as cover instead of trying to block all that bullet rain with your head ) is way to go, avoiding open areas like standing middle of donkey land helps here. As extra tip learn to read killfeed…


You want to take the Pepsi challenge? Do you really think you are better than bronze?

Buy an alt account, Level it… Do placements, profit! Its only 20 bucks!

The question I have for you is if you did all of this, And ended up in bronze, Would you accept you just are not very good and then enjoy the game for what it is? Maybe put forth the effort to improve?

Good luck

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I never said I’m not bronze. Why do people always insist on putting those words in my mouth? I’m trying to find a way out of bronze because my individual performance doesn’t seem to matter. As shown in the OP, my games are ALWAYS horribly unbalanced.


If you want to climb up you need to do better than everyone. Your individual performance matters a lot especially in bronze even if the games feels unbalanced.


Overwatch is a team game not a carry game. One coordinated team can easily shut down one good player even one good Smurf.


oh rly? Coordinated by who? Definitely not by OP right? That’s a point. You can carry with comms, but no, you cant cause you use mic only to flame your mates Kappa.

Tell this for those who can’t

And keep complaining his life at forum about that.

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Holy necromancer Batman!!


Ethernyet, what exactly is your current rank?

around 1000 sr, which is an all-time high for me actually

I’d play with you if it was higher. We can do some Quick Play though. I will log in right now. Drop your battletag lets do quick play since our ranks are too far from each other. I can heal or tank for you.

Thanks, much appreciated. How about some arcade? That’s where I have the most trouble.

Alright. I’m going to add you. That’s fine by me