This is it! Mirrorwatch's Mercy is PERFECT

I was talking about Tracer’s recall :zipper_mouth_face:.

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Speaking of reset buttons…why do we have severla of them?!


There is like a SINGLE thing that can actually take her down in each role. She’s arguably the most busted dps in the history of the game right now.

One misclick and she’s still alive due to the extra HP and having basically no death breakpoints whatsoever - and then on top of that, her get out jail free card with recall.

They also dumbed her down considerably with the projectile changes.


Meanwhile me on WBall.

“Oh there’s a Tracer. Hm.” Balls on.

Nit my issue maybe yours. Then again. Not hard.

Of course you want to keep the Ana changes. The first patch in literal years where Ana isn’t the absolute top pick (but is still one of the best) and Ana mains want buffs.

Amazing :joy:

She’s been trash since the start of season 9, and been outshone by Kiriko ever since that hero was released and has hardly been meta if at all since the start of OW2.

If you honestly think Ana is one of the best picks right now you’re an idiot.

She’s one of the supports most affected by the dps passive, both in terms of having single target healing and the passive being similar to anti nade meaning it’s less useful overall.

Most of the roster take 4 shots to kill now instead of 3 so dueling them is much harder, and tracer is hard meta and destroys Ana in an equal skill matchup.

She’s B tier at best. Illari, Lfeweaver & Mercy are the only supports in a worse state currently.

Mirror Mercy is an ult-powered Nuclear Bomber :smiley: Every single POTG I saw last night was Mercy raining big explosions down on enemy targets.

I love how this keeps her core identity, yet back in the day moving rez to a cooldown some how was blasphemy.

Not you specifically. of course.

But I find this line funny when these changes were made to the exact opposite of mercy kit.

This is Mercy as the angels intended… The perfect DPS. Love it. I murderfy them all.

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just change mercy’s personality, but without a shadow of a doubt her damage numbers have to be reduced

Nah, it’s Mercy, not Adam from Hazbin Hotel.

Corpse explosion isn’t a great replacement for rez. It’s fun for mirror watch, but for an actual ability, not so much.



All we aid back then was that it will make her so busted that you would cry even more about her than MR.

You remember what happened back then after rework, right?

the exploding souls thing feels way too random to put in the live game, and I don’t really think a support needs a dps ult. What these changes have convinced me of is that mercy could probably be more fun if they replaced rez with a different high impact ability

And yet same basic concept still exists, just without the rez resets. and it’s doing just fine.

Also no, I was part of most of those conversations. Half of them were spouting howthe rework killed her identity.

I think the soul explosion thing could be a neat idea for a new support. Not for Mercy. Since the Soul actually explodes, it removes it from the match entirely, making them unable to be resurrected.

Oh and they’d probably have to reduce the damage it deals, cuz it can do about 200-ish damage if someone is right next to the soul lmao

Someone who likes Mercy likes overpowered Mercy. I am the shocked.

I’m sure you’ll like it just as much when everything else is balanced to this level through powercreep right? Right?

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I’m iffy on the rez stuff. Feels cheesy on both ends.

The valk rework, however, is actually very fun. Now I can play Pharah and Mercy at the same time :slight_smile:

Not too keen on the soul explosion, but the new ult is great. Hope they find a way to work it in to live game.

Who wouldn’t love being able to instantly delete anyone from a massive range in massive aoe on a whim.

Also with this ability it feels like the best play is to let your ally yolo charge into the enemy and then peak from cover and blow them up that doesn’t really play into a support and enable your team at all costs playstyle