This is how you view your trust level and other information

Seems to be a popular level. Even though there are some people in here who I imagined would be much higher level judging by activity. I’m also level 2 tho doesn’t really feel like I’ve done much to earn it compared to others. :sweat_smile:

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Can you check mine too?
GenericToast 21468 I think
Stay Positive
Generic Toast

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Don’t worry I found it on my phone somehow
I’m level 1
Probably because I was a victim of a flag attack and the ban wore off before the issue was resolved
Stay Positive
Generic Toast

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If you copy the 2nd link in the OP into notes on your phone you can change it to your ID ( don’t forget to add .json at the end of it) then copy it and go.
Scroll down and about halfway through it was there!
Stay Positive
Generic Toast

I guess level 2 doesn’t allow us to do anything.

I just checked a guy that was an MVP on the old forums, WyomingMyst, I for sure remember him posting images, and he’s level 3.

When I went through and read it it said something about being able to send private messages but there is no functionality for it on the forums right now.

I can’t check mine on mobile, but if it’s not 420, how can I make it 420?

Can someone check mine?


You’re level 2. Congrats!

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Maybe I’m really stupid but I still don’t understand what trust level even means…btw on mobile what am I lol

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You are level 2. In theory a higher trust level lets you do more, but that doesn’t seem the case at the moment.

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Thanks! Do we even know at what trust levels you can actually start doing stuff like posting links?


I’d guess level 3 for that. I’ve been level 2 for a while and it still won’t let me.

Also, I’ve seen people with over 1500 likes and 3d read time, and they are still level 2.

Are getting flagged and liked the only things that affect your trust level?

Level 2, not horrid, maybe that’s default?

There is a link by the OP that explains it. Called “An Educated Guess”.


trust level 2 says it allows private messages but currently there is no such functionality on the forums. I think they’re supposed to add it at some point though.

You’re trust level 2.

No, 0 was default. I checked when the forums started and I was 0, now I’m 2.

That post isn’t by me, it’s just a post that I linked to because it has useful information.

i just want to bump and move on

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I’m at trust level 2 rn! ;-; So close, I just wanna be able to post cute reaction pics lol

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