This is how next week is gonna be:

More than likely they are creating the content that will be revealed on Wednesday. I doubt 2 skins are that so hard to code that they don’t fix bugs.

And tell me, in what ways has Overwatch become worse since OWL started?

Overwatch was pretty much the same before OWL.
Set metas lasting for months, weird, sometimes game breaking, bugs, poor balance, weak hero additions, etc. Not much has changed, it’s still Overwatch. Only difference is that now we have OWL scores on the side of the menu when logging in. We traded old problems for new ones of the same variety.

The creation of OWL is not some vile toxin created to harm Overwatch. It’s just a rushed pro scene to try and gain popularity and cash in on the E-sports hype. The idea was most likely presented by Activision. (At least… I’d imagine it was.)

Regardless of Overwatch actually dying or not, the pro scene failing would be one of the hardest blows to Overwatch. It may not kill it, but it would certainly need a Rez to get back up.
It’d probably set us years back, reminiscent of how Rainbow 6: Siege was a failure and tbh, a pretty meh game until about a year ago.

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This has been the slowest year for overwatch content of all. You know whats bad PR? "Lucioball…again? all over youtube and game reporting sites.

They have too much focus on OWL and getting people to be happy with that and not adding content to the game. Uprising was a massive success pulled in players by the tens of thousands, but with the lack of lore, lack of new content besides the uprising and skins, and lack of overall bug fixes and new bugs being ADDED into the game that arnt being address is losing those players at a rapid pace. No amount of “pro scene” is gonna draw in “players” to play the game. SMITE is an excellent example of this. The are in e-sports and have a healthy “pro-scene” but the lack of attention to the game in it’s early life caused a massive drop off of players they still have yet to recover from. Overwatch is doing the same mistake they are and putting so much into “e-sports” for every 1 players they gain through there they lose 2 more due to player boredom/frustraion.

If blizzard didnt have as much of a reputation as it did it would not have taken off as well as it did. The game was already gonna sell millions of copies cause “Blizzard” was the developer. In the first year and half the player base was very strong cause they kept fixing game breaking bugs at a fast pace (faster then we have now) and kept us happy with new content at a steady pace. Since OWL has pulled alot of attention away the content and bug fixes have gotten 2x-4x as longer to handle and all we get are skins which as said before is not hard to do. But they have to make sure the league games are ready run smoothly each match and nothing interferes with them.

It obvious to alot of die-hard fans of overwatch the dev team’s focus has been greatly shifted and it’s impacted directly with us players still trying to play the game for fun.

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Sounds more like a balancing/bug fixes issue more than an OWL issue.

Updates are still coming in as regularly as they always have (centuries) and events are more of the same. The updates have never rolled in nearly enough to actually fix most of the bugs, and many have added way more.

Overwatch’s bugs and poor balance have always been an issue. They just haven’t solved it. Whether that is laziness, poor decisions, or because of certain restraints regarding Overwatch patches/updates I do not know. One thing is certain, bugs and poor balance are hurting the game. That I’m sure we can agree on.

OWL being the cause of it is something I have to disagree on. I feel it’s an issue that’s been plaguing the game since release. This is a result of their incredbily slow and honestly lackluster updates. I believe that hurts the game much more than OWL. It took nearly a year to bring Mercy back to earth. I find it hard to believe that disaster being a result of OWL.

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Hopefully they will announce that they won’t be focusing entirely on Overwatch League anymore.

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I lowkey hope it will lead to another disappointment so everyone will finally raise their pitchforks.

There will not be a change without a bit of serious shaking.

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Well, they already did all-in with Investors and Twitch with the $20-35,000,000 per team deal; and I have to say it is developing to be a great stabilizer for the Overwatch gameplay department (other than getting most of viewership in Twitch these days). It’s basically part of a balancing /game bug finder team (since they have 16 teams, skirmishing 8-10 hours a day, so hell yeah they’ll find bugs).

The non-pro scene however, has been declining, things that actually pertain to Overwatch as a game: story, cinematic, good heroes, balances, events etc.

If it slouch, there will nothing keeping the game “interesting” anymore. Overwatch currently only has 20,000 views (used to be 60,000) on Twitch if OWL/World-cup or events are ON. Well below Heartstone (stabilizing at 40,000 viewers).

That’s not bad, since the game has been amazing to pertain it for 2 years. But that ain’t good either because it shows there’s nothing to keep the game “interesting”.

I believe the problem is that content is just too damn slow, or not enough in variety. It would be interesting if there is something constant, directly or indirectly, like:

  • More than 1 Archive event per year/maps
  • Actual progression in lore, whatever Animated, comics, or in-game stuff. Not just 3 hero reveals per year (that’s lazy).

I don’t think OP has to worry…if there anything that is a given in the overwatch world it’s that people will flood forums with complaints pretty much year-round

They would finally get back on the ground.
OWL didn’t exist at first and back then the game was doing not only fine but growing rapidly on popularity.

Now that there is a “profit source” everything gets put into this and nothing to the actual game.

Because I see OWL not as Overwatch but as… something different. Seperate.
The developers listen to everything they say in OWL but us? It takes months, if not years to even get noticed and after that another couple months for something to actually happen. and then its not what we want.

Prime example is the Bastion megathread.


I’ve actually been CC’d and killed after entering wraith form before. I don’t have any clips of it but it’s happened at least a dozen times. The animation will start on my screen then I’m slept, stunned, hooked, frozen, or killed. It happens pretty much just like Mei’s ice block.

This is a prime example of what their not listening to.

At this point the only thing that can actually excite me is Junkrat patch notes, everything else is a vehicle for said patch notes.

If we get a Brigitte or Hammond Cinematic I’m outta here baby

I can list at least cough Lucio three *cough zenyatta cough cinematics we are in need of first. just to name those.

It’s not too bad, and networking is tricky with designing around latency to get the best feel overall.

I just wanna see as much content as far away from owl as possible. And this is coming from a person that does find owl entertaining to watch ever so often.

I just don’t want the game to feel more about viewing than playing.

So please don’t lock too many items behind owl views, or allow thos to also be purchased at a premium with 5k creds or something.

Hours mean nothing. I only have 248 hours and have been playing since the open beta.

Not on Bubbles. Both hook and bubble can be activated at the same time. And they will both be accepted by the server.

Bastion, Sombra, McCree, Torbjorn, Symmetra, Mercy, Lucio, Reinhardt, Pharah, Reaper, Roadhog, Orisa and Junkrat players mostly.

You know the ones that have constantly been trying to help Blizzard improve the game by offering meaningful suggestions that may actually work? The ones Blizzard consistently and routinely ignores because “what would we know, we only pump hours into the heroes.”

Edit: Oops forgot Soldier, Genji and Moira.

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Hours do mean nothing. I’ve been playing for 556 days exactly and I have so many issues with this game.

they should buff reaper

They better be starting their GameCom stuff with „players, we know we fooped up, we’re sorry”

That’s the other thing blizz unfortunately doesn’t do. Apologize. They are too proud of themselves to admit that hanzo, mercy, symmetra and soon torbjorn rework was a mistake.