This is for the Sym and Sym-thread haters

What rank was that game in btw? The one with the screenshots where that guy was flaming you.

That would have been diamond in the self-harm one and masters in the one where buddy left.


Obviously not. Like I said though when designing a multiplayer game you must take how people behave into account.

The toxicity is completely predictable given this is a competitive game. Some heroes being very underpowered will cause some people to get annoyed and then to take it out on their perceived weakest link.

As the designers it’s on Blizzard to ensure that this doesn’t happen. When it does happen and isn’t fixed for years, they are responsible for it.


I’m just pointing out if you see a ton of threads on the same topic, maybe consider going to actually contribute to them. If you decide to make a new one on top of that, don’t be surprised when people point out the redundancy, which this thread seems to specifically condemn.


This does not suddenly change things however. If someone else breaks a rule, it does not mean you’re justified in doing it too. If you’re annoyed by something, great! Make a thread and let people know! If there aren’t already 5 with the exact same complaint made within 25 minutes of each other, though. Spamming the forums with the same topic over and over again does nothing but drown out everyone’s conversations, including your own as people just start asking you to stop. Surprisingly, I tend to find that people stay on topic a lot better and stop complaining about spam when there isn’t any spam.


I mean if you get a random kill with orbs beyond 15m props to you, but orbs are unaimeable outside that range. No fall off is like a curiosity more that anything of value.

If we go by their reaction to Sym being a good-ish hero in her perfect meta, Sym doesnt have any meta.


I’d probably blame the pros on that one. seagull and a few others were saying that the beam change would make sym OP (idk ask them). so ignorance would be a large factor. unfortunately the devs have that ignorance too.

but if anything that’s supposedly really telling of dev’s ignorance and incompetence and wrong attitudes towards sym, it’d be the infinite tp :put_litter_in_its_place: nerf.

I mean nerfing a shorter ranged squishy hero’s mobility and burst combo enabling tool is just plain against common sense and shows how they’re blatantly balancing sym to a lower standard compared to other heroes i.e. other heroes balanced to function reasonably sufficiently on their own for their job, somehow that doesn’t apply to sym.

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We do. I do.

Did you have this same energy when X hero became a popular topic of discussion? Did you go to any Genji topic to say ‘‘there are too many Genji topics!’’?

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its outright malice and entitlement, not ignorance. They know Sym could be massively buffed tomorrow and she could still be an easy counterable hero.

But its people like this group of streamers the ones that normalized the scapegoating of player mistakes into ‘’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’‘skilless’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’ heroes like Sym and Mei and basically any hero they dont like for X reason.


That just goes back to influence which isn’t a direct cause for people being toxic.

That would be a ridiculous excuse. “I told someone to uninstall because of how the game is balanced.”

That’s up to their own ignorance. Blizzard can’t control people’s ignorance.

Blizzard wasn’t responsible for people sending death threats to a VA. That was up to the individuals and players that chose to do so.

Omg Arcadium go OFF queen!


it’s a complex mix of the 3. so much so that there’s so much qualitative evidence to go in any of the 3 directions to fully ascertain which is which at any given moment. sigh

at this point I’m just praying for spellbreak to have a good non-battle royale mode so then I can migrate over (assuming I upgrade my pc sometime soon). that or maybe I’ll migrate back to paladins. at least my ratio of mains vs trashed heroes aren’t anywhere near 100% over there.

I appreciate your assumptions, but first off, yes, other topics get complaints if they’re spammed enough. You think the Mercy thread quarantine was just for fun? Sym isn’t as special of a snowflake as you seem to make her out to be. And secondly, I personally don’t tell anyone to stop spamming because I have better things to do with my time. If there is spam, I just get bored and log off. With this thread in particular, I’m just replying to the OP who’s decided it’s wrong to point out an obvious problem.

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I’d like to see Symmetra buffs too, but spam is spam. If there’s a post about the exact thing your new thread is about on the front page, post in that thread instead of making the new one. It’s just embarrassing.

I do think most of the people who spammed about Mercy were doing it just for the fun of it though.

Yet, Sym can be easily replaced in dive or any meta…

It isn’t influence as Blizzard aren’t actually telling anybody to do it.

What they have done is created an environment that inevitably will exacerbate toxicity and direct it at 1 player on the team. It became an issue very early on in the games lifespan and grew to the level of innocent players getting suspended for nothing but picking a hero.

Blizzard are the only people able to take action to stop this behaviour from happening. They could fix Sym and stop all of it. Sadly they have refused and that refusal is why they are therefore responsible for the inevitable and continuing toxicity.


Preach it, Arcadium!

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That isn’t how influence always works. Influence doesn’t just come from direct messages.
In the game, an example could take form in the way of the amount people see of a certain hero in the game. If you see one hero more often, it influences you in a way to be more likely to think they are very strong, even when in reality they might just be popular.
The same could go for a hero that isn’t seen a lot.
Or it could indeed be a balance issue.

Now, you could say that a hero being weak for a long period of time makes them unpopular. Though I would argue that there more things other than how strong they are that affects a hero’s popularity.

It has rarely been just one hero in which toxicity is directed at, plus, Sym players aren’t the only players that experience toxicity.
People blaming a certain player based on the hero they play are just using that hero as a scapegoat for their misfortunes, similar to how people use OWL as a scapegoat for their misfortunes.

This is completely untrue. People can get therapy and find other ways to relieve their stress and that would likely lessen this type of behavior because out of game events can and do affect how people act in-game.

But what meta suits sym? She was good for about a week in double barrier and that was it.


I’m not discussing popularity. If Genji was nerfed by 20% across the board tomorrow his players would also face this toxicity despite Genji being very popular.

That really isn’t the point. Sym is one of a handful of heroes who have been neglected for years. The outcome for all of them is the same.

Correct. However, what you’re failing to acknowledge is that the frequency of the toxicity significantly increases when you main a hero perceived to be a troll pick. For example, all the off meta player suspensions that happened a while back.

You can play to a much lower standard on something meta, have much less impact but still never get blamed and insulted as often as if you played Sym to a masters level in gold.

People are responsible for their own actions, true. However, Blizzard are responsible for not fixing the issue of Syms weakness. It does cause increased toxicity and it could be reduced by fixing Sym.

I know this as somebody who mains off meta picks. When the heroes I play have been buffed out of troll status, the amount of hate I received drastically decreased. It works and Blizzard should act.

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