This is for the MVP on the forum

I am not quite sure. Does the FPS go back to normal when you turn the setting off?

It can be that the domain may not permit hotlinking.

probably…imma just download the pic, then upload it to imgur


Yep, turned it off uncapped my frames. Getting 272 during Widow HS only, Turn it back on. 210-220

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For your viewing pleasure - the nations of the world.

give me the new version or riot

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The paranthesis should not have been part of the link thing. I only put them there so that you’d see that the link belongs there. So that’s probably my bad why it isn’t working.

In other words this

<img src="">

Becomes this

The forums seem pretty finicky about using images that have “https” in the url.


Why don’t you give it a shot with the other link?

oh now you tell me friend

Yeah that’s my bad. I meant to say something but then I forgot.

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now have the animaniacs reacting to kids reacting to the animaniacs

You know… sometimes people are being honest and not everything is a Lie.
If he works for them what has he ever done that would require him to lie about it? If you’re going to accuse someone, fairytales won’t hold up as an arguement.

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They forgot South Sudan. Time to riot.


It’s funny but because of politics, if the wrong people saw it, it might get banned in China.

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i doubt Rob Paulsen cares, he is here to entertain

I doubt he does either. It’s just kinda funny how something as innocent as that can still be political.

yep…btw Animaniacs is getting a reboot in 2020

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one catch though…it will be on hulu