This is a team based game

If you’re struggling vs Sombra then you aren’t playing as a team. It really is that simple.


Kind of…
At the same time that talking point becomes a lot less valid when EMP will literally just destroy an entire grouped up team if the sombra’s team has any semblance of coordination.


Honestly a lot of truth in that when it comes to casual play.

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I can be in the middle of my team blob as support and still get picked off by sombra. You can’t force your team to care if they’re busy doing whatever.

At least as a support I can deal with everything else on my own without being insta killed out of nowhere.


She only became a nuisance when they started gutting her direct counters. Doesn’t help that this game has had a yolo problem since day one.

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Sombra seems to be some sort of evil mystical monster going by how people describe her on the forum


I don’t think the only way to counter Sombra is teamwork.

That being said, if she did, an invisible assassin who can hard focus one person shouldn’t rely on exclusively teamwork to counter.

Teammates don’t always help, and if someone is going negative (ie someone being hard focused by a Sombra), their teammates are less likely to help them. You can’t control your teammates and force them to help.

The issue with this isn’t that you lose against someone who relies on coordinates teams to counter. The issue is if they are allowed to single out a single person and essentially not let them play the game or have any fun at all.

Not saying Sombra falls into this category, she has more counterplay than just that. Just engaging in this hypothetical.


You don’t need to be grouped up to play with each other, just more or less push in at the same time. And focus fire certain targets.

That can be done from flanks and highground, and well out of range / LOS of emp.

Sounds more like Moira actually, especially the monster part.

For the most part it’s just keeping an ear out for her, and keeping you gun on her when you see her.

She won’t be able to jump you or setup like half the tools she needs to get off to kill a full hp target, and gives you time to reposition/ping/ and just use cooldowns in case of emp.

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That’s true, and actually a counterpoint to op’s point. You can play as a team without playing grouped up, and sombra punishes anyone who is not playing grouped up.

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There is no reason for one who hero to be designed to play creepy stalker crime series simulator while others play overwatch

Just look at the pov of these sombra plays the way they sit there watching others is practically uncomfortable.
They will walk behind mercy mains from spawn crouched and keep killing them.

What were the blizzard Dev’s thinking to keep promoting this creepy design.

Remove the whole dumb invisibility from the game no need for one hero to train players in stalking.

And don’t do this patronizing I tell you how to counter sombra threads most of us know how to destroy this leprechaun, but playing find the creep is tedious task that feels like scrubbing something stuck on the floor.


Not just “you”. Your team. Because it is a team based game.


It’s laughable to see sombra players talk of skill issue and trying to blame people not wanting her in their team or enemy team as some kind of you issue

Tedious chore character to deal with and has a creepy stalker ish playstyle that would be reportable in

All this with literally closest to zero skill in game with baby’s assisted learning circle.


she requires comms to call out and counter - nobody uses comms.

the devs should stop designing the game around this fantasy reality where everyone is grouped and on voice chat.


It’s a team based game with no in-game way to make a team :thinking:

I guess Lucio is also zero skill because he also has a “baby’s assisted learning circle”

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Didn’t change the simple fact that:

A game without Sombra is a GOOD game.


Man this is the kind of stuff i love, how bad players try to over simplify the game.

If a sombra is a problem it could be because…

  • someone else lacks the skill to deal with it
  • you lack the skill to
  • somewhere else you or someone is getting diffed to point sombra is able to take advantage.

Now the fact is sometimes you will be reason why sombra is a problem for you and your team even if they aren’t fragging you.

By projecting your lack of skill on your team or one player you don’t face the problem and get hardstuck.

Good players love being challenged it’s where we can improve the most.

I’m really entertained at how long people can play this game and never understand everyone loses games because of there own skill but never embrace when they are the problem.

Once you embrace that you start focusing on getting better rather than crying how your problem is a team problem or a bad player.

permanent invis is widow one shot tiers level of broken concepts and the devs are to much of cowards to do anything about it as that would be admitting to making a fundamentally broken gameplay loop. a silver/gold sombra will farm even master zen/ana/mercy/widow if theres not another person that is asleep at the wheel and isn’t babying the hacked target. Its down right abysmal in 90% of play and the arguement of “teamwork guys, teamwork” doesn’t even happen in masters games let alone the average metal rank. Either nerf sombra into the ground or find a way to get rid of perma-invis. I basically go torb put down turret in the bushes and forced to babysit my supports all game aka NOT FUN.
To many characters in the game just force unfun gameplay loops to every body else in the lobby outside of the person playing the character.
widow is NOT fun to play against or with except for the widow player or maybe the other widow dueling him.
sombra is NOT fun to play with or against.
orisa is NOT fun to play with or against.
hog is NOT fun to play with or against.
mauga is NOT fun to play with or against.
all characters with broken designs that honestly shouldve been vaulted as soon as they’ve been seen to be abuseable by even bottom 500 players without thumbs that can even effectively ruin games against their respective characters that they counter. Its bad game design and pretending that the whole “oh its just overwatch… tis a feature not a bug” is how we got to this point in the first place.


Or incentives to work as a team. Or even attempting to be a teammate. Which is now just considered harrassment.