This is a 9 months old thread that got revived. Please don't respond in it. (Brigitte is on PTR!)

Bridge turned out pretty similar to a support hero idea I posted a few times on the old forums. I asked for a semi-tanky support (who had some armor by default and/or higher than 200 hp) who used medpacks for their healing and had a personal shield to bash people with.

The main differences are the ultimate and melee weapon, but I still find it curious how she turned out so similar.

Buffs are not new heroes, EVERY category has gotten buffs/nerfs over the course of the game…

Hanzo and Torb are getting reworked. That means they’re getting new abilities and new playstyles to go with them. It’s more drastic than a simple numbers change (as in a buff or a nerf) and almost like having a brand new hero.

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Sym got reworked does that mean she’s a new hero? No. Seriously stop with the buffs/reworks thing.

EVERY other category has gotten a brand new hero, defense has not.

I like this Brigitte!!

But hey…wait a minute…her hair is auburn and Torb’s is blond…and her mother is blond too…ermm…who’s the daddy!?

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And why do you think that is? Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Defense had the most heroes until Sombra and Doomfist allowed Offense to overtake them?

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Reinhart was the only true anchor tank in the game, and needed a competitor?

Maybe it has something to do with Mercy being the only primary healer at launch, and then see-sawing with Ana over who was the most viable? And on top of that only having two options for a secondary healer?

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The number of heroes don’t matter, giving everyone something to play does, this is a game after all. Does paladins neglect the Flank category because they’re “just dps”?

They both do DPS for the respective games, but in different ways. Hell ALL OW heroes do dps, some tanks do more then some dps.

Ptr is broken it’s not working and I re patched ptr

So, new hero is like a Diablo III crusader? Even use the same weapon and shield. And she accompony Reinhardt ( he is an Overwatch-university crusader). And if i remember a Diablo III lore well, each crusader must have a pupil?

So Brigitte is a Reinhardt apprentice-crusader? :smiley:


It actually is how it works because obviously a defense hero didn’t get added.

I’d tell you what to do with yourself but I don’t want to get banned again.

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And Defense had plenty of ways to play at launch. A pure sniper, a brawler sniper, a turret builder, a sentry (which is rather unique), a Demoman, and a CC specialist. What else are you expecting? Someone who deploys electrical traps? That’ll come when the numbers even out, whether you think they are important or not. Eventually, everyone will have something to play. It takes time (which, from your point of view, is another meaningless number).


You first whiny boi.

So just neglect parts of the player base to even out?

Honestly there was 0 reason for 2 supports in a row, next should have been tank or Defense, end of story.

QUAD TANK BRIGITTE + Lucio/Moira meta inc?

Lucio = on attack
Moira = on defense?

Gonna be this vs sombra dive comp?

Maybe they wanted to add another support that specifically was -not- hard countered by the new sombra?

Or maybe they want to move away from hard set roles and add more flexibility based on play style?

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She’s not a tank, she’s a “kinda” tank but her MAIN role is support, that makes her support, not some sort of hybrid.

By your logic, large parts of the playerbase got neglected when each of the other previous heroes got released.

Any other flawed arguments you want to make? Or can we finally dismiss you as a troll?

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She may be kind of a tank and flexible in the way lucio is flexible at being aggressive DPS enabler or defensive support? It just depends on the comp and how you play her?

I am really excited to see her in action

No, because they didn’t release 2 of the same roles in a row. Release 2 of the same in a row neglects EVERYONE who doesn’t play that role. If you’re not a support player you got nothing for for 9 months.

Reinhardt: Stay behind me, I will be your shield!
Brigitte (behind Reinhardt): I will be their shield!