This is a 9 months old thread that got revived. Please don't respond in it. (Brigitte is on PTR!)

Maybe putting the cart ahead of the horse? :shopping_cart: :carousel_horse:

Perhaps give it some actual time on PTR and live before making grand proclamations?

After all, Doomfist was going to break the game …

I’m not saying she breaks the game and someone already mentioned that it decays so it is fine. But if it didn’t decay, it would be used exactly how I mentioned. You don’t always have to see something in action to know what’s going to happen. People with brains predict things that will happen instead of just trying to “wait and see”.

OK, it appears I am wrong in that it does not decay over time. Armor granted by the ultimate appears to stay until destroyed in Your Overwatch’s testing video, which I am unable to link.

But the real questions are:
-Does it stack with Torb’s armor
-Does it go before or after shields

I don’t really understand the angst about wanting a defensive hero.


Symmetra (we all know she’s not really support)


Brigitte (sp?)

Looks like the disposition ratio still has defense ahead of every other class of hero by one.

Ah, you have the power to see how a simple description of a hero ultimate (which you were not sure how it even works) would lead to this:

Damn, that is some freakin skill!!! You must be amazing at prediction … any stock tips? 2023 Super Bowl Winner? Hero 32 going to be overpowered?

FFS :imp:

2 Years and nothing new, end. of. story.

And yet you still have more defensive heroes to pick from than any other category. Cry us a river.


She seems nice. I do wonder how she’ll end up.

I designed a similar hero a couple months ago, posted it somewhere. Coincidence? Yes.

Time to try her out. Hopefully she’ll be a hero I can rely on instead or alongside Mercy.

Numbers don’t matter, new fun things do. Not every damn thing is about numbers. And a new tank would have been fine, but two supports is just bad for the game.

How is it bad for the game when the Support category has had the fewest heroes since launch?

Or are you just complaining for the sake of complaining? Because two new heroes for the same category isn’t a bad thing, for the last time. Get over yourself, Defense category has had a full roster since launch. Offense got a few new heroes to round out their roster. Now it’s time for Support and Tank to get theirs.

Ok, let me spell this out for you.

Not every player in the game plays every role, some people prefer support, some prefer tank, etc.

When you have such a slow hero release schedule as OW does, releasing 2 of the same role in a row neglects a VAST portion of the player base.

It has nothing to do with release just two SUPPORTS in a row, but ANY role twice in a row. Two Offense would be bad, Two tanks would be bad, etc

According to who ?

Having equal options for different types of play creates balance in the game and entices people to try something other than instalocking widow or Hanzo every comp match.

If you want a defensive hero you have more than enough options to chose from QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ QQ

Your sense of entitlement blinds you. Defense roster isn’t being neglected in the slightest.

“Isn’t being neglected” nothing new for 2 years… maybe you should get your brain checked.

Nah we needed more supports than we do dps. The support category is in bad shape 5 healers(some of which need help) and symmetra who should be in defense compared to 6 tanks and 14 dps(8 offense and 6 defense) .

So neglect all the non support players by not adding a different role? Good game management.

You aren’t being neglected if you started out way ahead of everyone else. Tank and support are still catching up.

Awesome twisting there. So because there’s more of something at a point they don’t get to have anything new until everyone catches up.

That’s not how it works.

I find it difficult to believe that you haven’t been present for the Junkrat buffs, Mei buffs, and the announcement that both Torbjorn and Hanzo are getting reworked. That’s new.

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