This gatekeeping is scary

Between this and the fact that allies had to die for it to be effective. Players would literally yell at their team mates for them to go die on the point.

Not sure how that’s positive.

Because otherwise your dead team would all be scattered across the map, making your rez useless. Just like how Lucio’s or Zen’s ult requires your team to be together (Zen less so because of his speed boost), Mass Rez required your team to be together. However, in Mass Rez’s case, your teammates were dead, therefore they couldn’t move. That made your teammates dying close together essential to Mass Rez being worthwhile (Unless you were tempo rezzing). So, instead of saying “group up on point for my ult”, you’d say “die on point for my ult”.

The issue of Mass Rez lay in Blizzard’s flawed SR system which rewarded large rezzes. Not in your team grouping up.

And this was the problem with mass rez. It required a dead team to get the most use out of it. Thus, it was removed.

Can we just stop talking about Mercy already? She’s finally looking good on the balance side of things.

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So the issue with mass rez (the ultimate that’s intention was to revive dead teammates) was flawed because… it revived dead teammates?

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From what I know the unpopular opinion i s the one in favor of the revert of Mercy. It is also the more vocal one.
Most of the people I know are happy to see Ana been played. And I have never heard aside from that forum someone wishing for the old rez back.

You do realize that Most Mercys who want mass rez back know that she was underpowered before her invis, but still would prefer than over the unfun shell we have today?


This isn’t about Mercy.

So tell that to everyone here insisting my topic is 100% without a doubt about Mercy.

That’s because in these cases, most of the time, non-Mercy players will spew false information such as “Pre rework Mercy was OP”, which leads us to say “you clearly don’t play Mercy”.

You’re allowed to have an opinion, but people confuse their opinions as facts.

Same as previous quote. You’re allowed your opinion, but opinions and facts are different things.

I don’t see this. I see the opposite though. I see Mercy players getting attacked by members of the community, labelled as cultists, Lynch mobs, and other toxic things just because we’re a vocal minority.

Whaaaaat? I’ve only ever seen one member of the Mercy community do any of these, but this was outside of the forums.

Again, never seen anything like this from the Mercy community. One or two bad eggs yes, but the community as a whole is not like this at all.

Cerberus already debunked this. Out of 40 Mercy posts, only 3 of them were by the same person.

I can’t argue with that. A lot of the Mercy playerbase acts like a majority, but this is coming from a “place of passion” as Jeff once said.


Reread your first post and count how many times you wrote Mercy in it.

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Then you read it and count how many times I wrote “Mercy players/Mercy community/Mercy mains” in there.

Almost every single time.

Wait, so it’s not about Mercy, it’s about Mercy players? That’s your defense? Seriously?


Geeees sprinkles why do you hate mercy so much


Now the OP got heavily flagged. Guess the Mercy players feel as though my post was offensive to them lol.

Yeah you were being really toxic


Says the one that’s been banned across like, 6 accounts for being toxic.

When will your toxicity end ):

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Gatekeeping? Sounds like a post about forum moderation. To the depths with ye.

Did you even read it?

Yes I thought it would be deleted last night, but I know how many people work on a Sunday night.