This gatekeeping is scary

While that’s undenyable, most claims coming at me are about how this is only about Mercy or Mercy players.

While they were the examples (because they’re the most active at the moment), I thought I made this clear that it wasn’t just about Mercy or her community.

Sure we don’t.
That’s why nobody uses the forums anymore.
Check users post counts, check how they grew at beginning and how they’re growing now. These forums are a trash can of Mercy threads.

What will happen is that flags will get a revision from them. They’lll end up making more strict rules because a bunch of kids don’t accept a nerf.

That’s the point here. Or just switch “general discussion” to “mercy discussion and a few off topic”. Because that’s the reality right now.

What I want is this forums to be fun like they have been before this storm of non-sense. Or start banning them! But do something! This is crazy (…)

What’s sad is that you associated me with calling them cultists but have yet to show evidence.

You’ve gotta chock up evidence if you’re going to make a claim. Otherwise, the claim is empty and will be ignored.

Objectively, many people use the forums, and will continue to do so regardless of your demands. And yes, the Mercys will continue to talk about her.

to be fair you did mention mercy about 8 times in your original post. I wonder why they think you are talking about them.

OP, you need some serious help. You take all of this a little too seriously.

Talking and spamming have a huge difference.
People talk about their heroes all the time, with education.

What’s happening in Mercy scenario isn’t educated discussion.
It’s a kids outrage on a forums, calling a company - brand a lot of bad names, demanding people to get fired, smurfing accounts to increase thread numbers. This needs to be addressed asap.

Or stick to the mercy mega thread and leave everybody happy. The community just ignores that place. We want our forums back!

And yet, here you are, screaming and spitting about Mercy again. It will be an interesting endeavor to follow your progress. I look forward to it.

We are talking about characters in a video game. This is not a medical forum, nor a legal forum. Their purchase of the game is all the status they require to post as they wish within the perimeters set forth by the moderating staff. Your consent is neither sought nor required.

Sorry to tell you, forums have rules.

Just like OW has 40 million players? Fake numbers there.

Just like r/overwatch that has 1.4 million subscribers? These forums have nowhere near this.

They were simply an example. I used their behavior as the evidence of bad behavior. I broadened it further down in the post to net all “gatekeepers”. I thought this was clear.

And yet here you are, commenting and boosting my post up with every comment. Again, how is this “screaming and spitting about Mercy” Like, seriously. How?

If anything, Mercy’s have come in and derailed the thread (that was supposed to be about gatekeeping).

Your thread was made to bait people, and so it has. You sit now and claim innocence in the matter. You are as dishonest as you are angry.

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I’m sorry, but the irony in this post is just too great to ignore. You’re complaining that we assume all of you think we’re a cult, and then someone calls us a cult right after this post. But it’s “one user” right?

Not to mention how CONSTANTLY people assume Mercy Main means “has no aim and wants their hero to be overpowered”… like you have little room to talk about us making assumptions about you when it happens to us as well. It happens to everyone.


They do, and you do not determine or enforce them. This is everyone’s forum. That includes the Mercy mains. If you don’t like a topic, then don’t read it. It’s what I do.


You can’t prove it’s purpose.

If you want to know it’s purpose, I’ve clearly stated that numerous times in this thread. You can choose to ignore it, but it’s there.

Also, i’m not angry.

It is just a completely random example, it’s not like he’s completely obsessed with Mercy players or something…

Honestly if you spend enough time on the forums (and you do) then you know how most conversations on “certain topics” are going to go with specific people.

Friendly debate/discussion is one thing (albeit rare) but when it comes to “certain topics” we are stuck in an infinite time loop. Except instead of “DORMAMMU I’VE COME TO BARGAIN” it’s “MERCY I’VE COME TO REVERT/REWORK”

In my opinion, once you’ve determined some people are just not negotiable you are better off just muting notifications and threads from them and pretending they don’t exist. I find it rather cathartic to actively ignore squawkers. And from my experience, and what I’ve witnessed happen to others, e-screaming in each others threads just doesn’t end well most of the time.

There are people I can respectfully disagree with on these forums and then there are people who are lost causes (in my eyes) and a waste of time to indulge. I’m sure people feel that way about me (maybe idk) and I’d implore them to do the same too. This advice goes for anyone of any opinion.

Mega thread was made by the moderation team for a reason.
Use it.

I could argue that you’re completely obsessed with me as you continue to respond, despite saying things that are not constructive and/or create nothing but derailment on the thread at hand.

Atleast I stay on topic and don’t attack other users for posting in topics that interest them (not to be confused with making new topics).

It’s literally always closed because of community flags. It unlocks once a day for about 5 minutes or less. How can we use that?