This gatekeeping is scary

Dont like the Mercy revert topics? Dont click it.
The forums are for feedback after all.


You’re missing that critical part lol.

And literally everything I’ve said on most threads is related to the topic.

How can you know who flagged it ?
Again, you’re only making assumptions based on a generalisation you initially did to stereotype and make fun of “Mercy mains” in a very unpleasant manner, which is funny considering how you claim that you want to point out toxic behaviors.

Btw, I’m still waiting your answer.

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Youve literally made topics talking about “Stop the Mercy spam” So I think its laughable that you can sit there and say “The forums are for feedback.” And “Dont like it, don’t click” in the same breath.


Then why can’t you just… not click on the Mercy threads?

I physically cannot understand your logic.


This is called hyperbole, and you know it is :slight_smile:

Just for reference because you love playing the victim it seems

You have said Mercy players are in a cult, proceed to quote a book on how to “cure” them and then pull a Keemstar and ask, wHy AM I STILL GetTTIng HATE?


Because he’s the biggest spammer on this board.


And there is your flaw in life. Mercy threads are also their feedback, and discussions that are happening. If you decide to come in and give your 2 cents then fine, but you try to derail conversation calling them spammers and how they are spammers…funny how you are the only one in the right here.

Lets be grown ups and let everyone have a voice


Moderation needs to come and clean this up.

This is getting more into about me than the post, and that’s not okay and further proves my points about this “gatekeeping”.

I think we can all agree with that at least.


You can dish it out but you can’t take it. Sad!


We’re just trying to prove how flawed your logic is about all of this. Your logic is pretty important to the context of your post.


Honey the only thing moderation needs to clear up is how you make 5 threads a day complaining about Mercy players and then sit back and wonder why you get all the attention. It’s getting close to irrelevant spam at this point lmao


What gatekeeping? I have no problem in others sharing their ideas, but when people start bashing others is when issues arrize. Then when they keep thinking they have done nothing wrong, but still attack others

So let people have opinions, or what is the forums even for in the end. Let people have discussions. Lets stop bashing each other and flagging.

its allrdy a really toxic thread sprinkles

You and I both know that’s an exaggeration.

Hive-mind 298 reporting to base, we seem to have missed one heretic, I standby for instructions, over!

You already know I liked your idea, so I’m not worried you’ll take this the wrong way. :wink:


Your right its only about 4 a day.


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Once again, proving my points I’ve made about Mercy mains.

I think the only thing you’ve proven is that you provide as much Mercy spam as the most fanatical of Mercy mains. :laughing: